17 years after BC, should I try HRT?

I had ostrogen positive breast cancer in 2002. I've been clear ever since but the enforced medical menopause has made my life miserable for the past 17 years, it would be fair to say it changed my physical, mental and emotional health. I am now 60.
I have been in discussion with a private menopause clinic today about possibly taking HRT to see if it will help give me some quality but the pros and cons have been laid out and I am undecided. 
Has anyone on here please made the decision to try it?

  • Hello eden.e, 

    Welcome to our forum! First of all, we are so pleased to hear you have been clear 17 years on but I can imagine the enforced medical menopause had a real effect on you. I think you took the right decision to talk to a specialist at the menopause clinic about this as they will be able to talk you through your various options. It's normal to feel undecided though as it is an important decision to have to take and I hope that you will hear from some of our ladies here who have had to make a similar decision and who may have themselves been diagnosed with breast cancer before. 

    I thought I would share with you this page on breast cancer and menopausal symptoms . It does mention that doctors often don't recommend taking HRT after breast cancer but it also says that some doctors will prescribe it if you are having severe menopausal symptoms. So I can understand why this is such a difficult decision for you to have to take. Perhaps you could also talk to your GP about it and get a second opinion this way on this?

    Feel free to give our nurses a call too on this free number 0808 800 4040 if you would like to talk things through with them - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    Best of luck with this difficult decision. I hope you manage to find what would be best for you in your particular circumstances.  

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator