I took letrozole for 6 months and found my prior to chem osteoarthritis came back far worse (chemo with its high levels of steroids had kept it away) and I got it in additional areas such as my hands. Eyesight is sometimes bleary, incontinence is a problem, weight gain (to an already overweight body) and a roll of fat just above my waist just finishes it off. I have been changed to exemestane. I don't see an improvement as yet. Does anyone have any suggestions for anything I can do to improve mobility and get rid of roll of fat above my waist? Following chemo, I had a double mastectomy. Letrozole began after the mastectomy and within 6 weeks my weight had increased by 9 kilos. I walk for nearly an hour each day (all-be-it these days with a stick) and I do online cardio for 30 mins each day. My Fitbit shows an average of 7,000 steps and 150 minutes of cardio each week. (Prior and during chemo, my step count was about 2,000 at times 1000 and I did no cardio) . My sleep time has plummeted averaging 5 hours a night.
Any advice is very welcome. I am being referred to Morelife.
Joint pain. Has anyone tried CBD oil? Does anyone know if this will do harmAcupuncturere?
Weight: Has anyone used Saxende or indeed know anything about it? Orlistat/Xenical ?? Any other suggestions.
One further plea. Walking is painful not just through arthritis in the foot and ankle but also because my toes are slightly swollen and are very tender. I have very large wide feet and am struggling to find size 9 or 10 that support my ankles while providing enough toes room. I have tried Sketchers (men's) but these aren't wide enough at the toes and can't find a pair of Cosyfeet that meet the bill.
I feel like a depressive moaning hypochondriac - not who I want to be!