In 2019 I had lumpectomy and 3 week course of radiotherapy for DCIS with a small 4mm nodule. As there was a 4mm nodule, I was put on anastrazole for 5 years as a precaution. In the beginning I had joint pain in legs and back, but it did improve. The first mammo last June was normal, and dexa scan in 2019 was normal. My next mammo is early June, and I have requested another dexa sxan as it will be 2 years since the first.
For s few months, I have been doing a 7 hour a week cleaning job, and it is quite hard going, as it is a 6 bed house with 2 flights of stairs. The last few weeks I have had on off pains in lower back and hands, which I attributed to the job, but now I'm wondering if it is the anastrazole. I have rested back in the last few days, used heat bag and the odd couple of ibuprofen, and it is improving. Could I ask for opinions please, job or medication, or combination of both? Spoke to breast nurse, who thinks it may be job, especially if it improves on rest and doesn't keep me awake at night! Sorry, doesn't seem a big problem, but it's niggling at me, and kicks off my anxiety and the my mind runs away on to much worse scenarios!