Hi ! :))
I've been off chemotherapy since Feb 8th now, and on the 29th of last month I had my check up scan to see if everything is going well, I'm getting my results on Tuesday and I'm so nervous. I saw my doctor about my concerns over the lumps along my lower ribs and he said if there was anything bad on the scan they would contact me as soon as they had the results (which would take about two weeks), it's almost at the three week mark and still nothing to tell me to go in earlier than planned, so I hope it's good news. He did tell me though anxiety/stress can cause lymph nodes to swell up ever so slightly and won't go down until my body is relaxed and for the past two months i've done nothing but stress !! I'm an anxiety sufferer with diagnosed depression so I truly do hope that it's just my body reacting badly to me worrying about the results haha
Me and my mom have planned a day out shopping (which is way overdue !!) after my appointment on tuesday morning, so I'm praying it's completely fine. I need new socks !! Haha
Either way depending on the results I don't think i'll know how to react, it's going to be a big shock if I am all clear still. I'm expecting the bad news, even if i'm not ready for it :))