Starting a family post breast cancer, any advice?

Hello! I have never really been on a forum before, so I'm sorry if this has been asked and answered somewhere else.

I am two years post surgery and radiotherapy, currently taking tamoxifen daily, zoladex every three months and venlafaxine daily. The venlafaxine was originally suggested to help with the hot flushes, but I needed the antidepressant anyway so I said give me a good dose of the stuff!

I'm starting to think about trying for a family soon (it has been okay'ed by the docs) and I'm thinking about how I will come off all the drugs. I know my oncologist will weigh in on this, but has anyone had any experience of coming off the above combination of meds?

I am unsure which I would stop first, and how long in advance. My gynaecologist says some people stay on venlafaxine during pregnancy but I just want to do the best for my body and baby and I'm not entirely sure I would need an antidepressant if it wasnt for the other meds coursing through me!

Also, has anyone got any experience of breast-feeding post breast cancer? I'm unsure if I want to try / am allowed to and just want to calm my boobs down as soon as possible after having a baby. I don't know what it is but the thought of them producing milk has me feeling like theres more chance of cancery changes developing :'D I'm aware I am a neurotic mess haha. Anyway thanks for reading my ramble. :)

  • Hello HotPocket

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and all that you've been through. Undoubtedly it will have been a difficult time. 

    It's good to hear that you have the support of your Oncologist and Gynaecologist in moving forward with trying to start a family. I know that we've had women here in the past who have gone on to have children after a breast cancer diagnosis and hopefully some of them will post to share their experiences if they see your post. 

    You might like to have a look at getting in touch with a group called The Younger Breast Cancer Network. they have a private closed Facebook group for women under 45 who have/had breast cancer and I'm sure you will be able to chat with others there who have gone on to become pregnant after a cancer diagnosis. 

    Alternatively, you could also have a look at the Breast Cancer Now forum to see if there are any women there who are able to share their stories. They also have a cohort of volunteers who are able to support others and it may be that they are able to connect you with someone. 

    I hope this helps and I wish you all the best for the future. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi,

    There's an option on here like Facebook to become 'friends.' If you send me a request, I'd be very interested to talk to you!

    I will be in the same boat as you next year.