Feeling bit worried for mum - Breast cancer

Hi all,

Just came here to gather some strength and some answers my mom she is 62 had been dignasoed with stage 2 breast cancer and had her operations in novemeber the doctor has a remove the whole one breast as the lump was big luckily it has't spread anywhere Could you please help me with following questions :

1. after 3 months of surgery she is still having seroma built around like 200ml in 21 days(she has her after operations chemos every 21 days) is this like something alarming as per the doctor for some patient it stops in 15 days while for some it takes up to months I am just worried as this makes her very uncomfortable at a certain time.


2. The doctor has suggested target therapy as well but just after the first target therapy she is feeling too drained i have never seen her like that its really heartbreaking what can we do to make her immunity better other than medicines?


I would love to hear from anyone .. /may god bless us all .


  • Hi,

    I am sorry to hear of your mum's condition, wishing her well. 
    I had a right mastectomy but no chemo or radiotherapy around 3 weeks ago. 

    I hear a lot of patients take Manuka honey to boast the immune and to combat the effects of chemo. There are different strengths and grade of honey so it maybe something to research on :). Also you can also check with the shop assistant on the grade and strength and definitely let your mum's doctor know if your mum takes it :) 

    lillian x 

    P.s I make my mum take it to boost her immune because she is getting older :)