Lost my mum, moving out and feel guilty leaving my dad alone

Hi there, 

I lost my mum back in 2017 due to leukaemia. It was heartbreaking for me and my dad. We built a really good bond between us to get through it. I live with my dad and i'm only 19...

Ive had a job opportunity come up 200 miles away, i automatically said yes and was really excited with my dad cheering me on! Everything is set in place for my move in the next coming days...

I was just sat at the table eating some food while my dad listening to music with his headphones on, i just looked at him and just started crying thinking about him being all alone in this house, with nobody to talk to and listen to. I love my dad so much but emotionally i don't know if i can just leave him like that. He's very able and has recently retired so i know he's going to have a lot of spare time on his hands. 

How do i move forward in life and be okay with my dad being alone? 

Sorry for the long post, my emotions are all over the place right now.

Thank you 

Sam x


  • Oh my, what an amazing son / daughter you are ... you've been so caring spending these last year's with him ... now it's time you spread your wings ... you can't stay there forever ... I'm sure your dad wants you to do something for you now ...

    Why don't you get him on "what's ap" you can face time him every day at no cost ... that's what I do with my family as I'm on my own now ... and I'm sure you could pop down for a couple of days in the month .. as he's alone , he can be in your bubble... 

    So remember it doesn't mean you'll not see him again .. and when you do, you'll have lots to chat about .. and after lockdown he may be able to join a groop ... for us O A Ps ... I'm going to ... so good luck ... Chrissie x

  • Thank you so much for your response Chrissie

    My dad doesn't really show his emotions, i'm just scared about leaving and when i do. I have no idea how he is, he'll just say he's okay when really he might not. I'd rather just stay here to make sure he's okay but i guess i'll never know.