Deceased persons belongings

My 94 year old mum sadly passed away , due to different plus Covid 19 ,because of restrictions etc again due to Covid , can anyone tell me where I can dispose of her clothes , don't want to just send them to the tip , I would rather they go to someone or a charity , that would make good use of them , but as I say because if charity shops not open , making life difficulty to get rid of mums good quality clothes , any replies would be most grateful thankyou Allan 

  • Hi Hillsborough, 

    I just wanted to welcome you to the Cancer Chat forum and offer my sincerest condolences for your loss.

    Most charities are asking people to safely store clothes at home until shops reopen but if there's one close to you, you could drop your mum's clothes off at a local clothing/charity bank as long as it's part of an essential journey already being taken and government guidelines are being followed.

    Some charities have also found alternative ways for people to donate clothes. You can find out more just here.

    I hope this helps.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator