Post lat dorsi

Hi am new to the forum and reaching out to other women who have had lat dorsi reconstruction. I would be interested to hear other womens experiences further down the line from surgery. I returned to work as a staff nurse 5 months post OP and have struggled with the changes to my body, having an impact on my ability to function physically. I had to leave my post in a heavy rehab ward as I was in too much pain and unable to meet the physical challenges of the ward. I was gutted at having to be redeployed as I loved the speciality of the ward and the team I worked with. Has anyone else struggled and do they continue to struggle physically. Thanks x

  • Hi Jint,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to read of your difficulties and having to change jobs - it sounds like this has been a tough time.

    My reply here will boost your post so more people will see it and if anyone here has similar experience to share then hopefully they'll be along soon. If you haven't already, do also search the forum (using the button in the blue bar above) for any other potentially relevant discussions.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator