Groin node dissection

I'm due to have a groin node dissection soon following my diagnosis with melanoma.  I'm a bit nervous about the operation, but more so what to expect afterwards. I've read that I'll need to take great care of my leg.  Is there anyone out there who has had this operation and who can share their experience with me please. 

  • Hello NJN 

    I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling nervous ahead of your upcoming surgery. it's understandable that you may have questions and feel worried about what to expect. 

    There's some useful information about surgery to remove lymph nodes for melanoma on the Macmillan website which I've linked for you here. I'm also going to tag in one of our lovely members [@AngieT]‍ who has been living with melanoma for many years and if my memory serves me correctly has had lymph nodes removed. I'm sure she will reply when she's able to and share her knowledge and experience with you. 

    If you'd like to talk things through with one of our nurses you're most welcome to give them a call. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope that your surgery goes well and that your recovery is smooth. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi NJN,

    I had both sides of my groin cleared out, and a pelvic node dissection too.  The surgery wound is about 4 or 5 inches long, and takes a few weeks to fully heal.  I was able to shower in a couple of days.

    I also had a vacuum drain, or redivac bottle for a few weeks.  I just carried mine about in a big pocket!  Over the days and weeks they collect less and less fluid and one day the doctor just pulls it out.  It's really important not to let the entry wound get infected or to scratch your leg while your body gets used to the changes.  (I've been admitted to hospital twice with sepsis, and I can promise you it's an experience you don't want, hence the importance of leg care!)  I'm on daily penicillin now for the forseeable future.

    But after a while, everything got back to normal for me.  The lymphedema has been the most challenging part of my whole cancer journey, but I managed to get it under control after a few months.

    I've written about all things cancer here if you're interested!  There's loads on groin treatment, lymphedema and surgery 



  • Hi,

    I'm so sorry for my late reply, I have only just seen this mention by Jenn. I don't know if you have already had your dissection but Jon has already given you great advice. 

    You will be given compression socks when you are taken for surgery & told to wear these for a good few days whilst you are less mobile. They are really to prevent DVT but they are good at helping to prevent lymphoedema too. Every hospital and patient is different as to when they are discharged. My groin/pelvic dx was almost 12 years ago & I was in hospital for 13 days because I got cellulitis & was on IV antibiotics for the last few days of my hospitalisation. On discharge you should be given leaflets explaining about the risks of cellulitis, seroma & lymphoedema & how to prevent & recognise the signs.

    Good luck with your surgery. I will send you a friend request so that we can chat by pm if you want to ask anything more about the dx and/or melanoma in general. Please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient)