Recovering from rectal cancer


I had my diagnosis a week into lockdown last year - it was a huge shock. I had surgery in May and now have a permanent stoma. I had 3 months of Capox chemo which I wasn't too keen on! 
I've just had the all clear from a CT scan and finished chemo last September. Due to Covid there have been no support services and most of my consunltant appointments have been over the phone.

I've stayed positive throughout and almost better now - just surprised how long the neuropathy & tiredness has lasted after chemo. 

If anyone would like support going through similar treatment, I'd love to help support you. I'd also like to chat to people about the after effects of chemo as the hospital have told me very little.

Looking forward to chatting with you. 

Nina x

  • Hello Nina

    It's great to hear that your most recent CT scan has come back with clear results. I'm sure that was a relief after all that you've been through over the past year. Having cancer at any time is difficult but as you've said, during the pandemic so many of the usual support options haven't been available. Even a simple face to face appointment can give so much more reassurance to some people than a phone call. 

    Going through not only the chemo but a major surgery and adapting to living with a stoma is a huge change and it will take time for the side effects to subside. If you'd like to talk to one of our nurses about things you're most welcome to give them a call. They're available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm on 0808 800 4040. I'm sure they will be able to offer you some advice and support. 

    I hope things continue to improve for you. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator