Stoma blockage

I haven't  posted on here for a while but I thought  some one might find this interesting. I have had a few blockages in the year and four months  since  my op for laparoscopic  low colorectal  resection,  but the last one really was the worst but in a way enlightening.  I had the normal feeling of a block at midday which just got worse as the evening approached severe  abdominal  pain bloating no output not even a trickle of fluid . I was starting to panic as I had the dreaded sick feeling starting to happen , I did the w warm shower which didn't  work then I started  to  sweat and went white as a ghost I new there was no time to go to a and e so I got ready for the inevitable. My dear wife stayed with me as I finally was sick and some of my contents came up but luckily my stoma at the same time  decided  to eject its contents  all over the floor in two or three powerful parastalsis  movements I had forgot to put my bag back on, but it was such a relief  as soon as it was over about one minute I felt fantastic it is such a feeling to finally get it to release  all that pressure. Having  blockage  is very  is awkward you have to decide to either go to a and e or stay at home , in hind sight  I think in a normal world  without  covid  you should go before you are sick, but luckily  this one ended up alright. 

  • Hello Ady,

                     never had a stoma blockage,but did have the rejoined bowel block three time,and the pain was excruciating., sick twice.Ended up in A and E each time  with the bowel taking a good 16 hours to kick back in. Having had liver surgery as well as bowel, its left me with an ascending  loop of my intestines high up in my abdomen  draped around  the wound site from the liver surgery and trapped in a pouch which l think causes the problem.

                                                                              l recognise to the letter the symptoms you describe and can fully understand your relief when the blockage clears.For me there is no awkward decision, since on past experience l would have no choice but to get get to hospital pronto if it decides to shut down.Hope things are going well for you now,
