Pain after breast treatment

Just wondering if anyone has experienced pain and discomfort months after treatment? I had lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy in April, chemo May to Sept then radiotherapy for 4 weeks until end of October (whole breast and boost to tumour site)

Have done OK in terms of side effects but for the last week or so my breast is tender and skin feels tight when raising my arm. My breast also feels hard where original tumour was. It's still slightly swollen from radiotherapy which I though would have gone by now? Has anybody had similar?


  • Hi Badger:happy:

    Sorry you are feeling tender. I think I had similar treatment to you . I did 7 rounds of chemo in April 2018 then surgery in October followed by radiotherapy treatment and Herceptin.  My breast still has a lump which i assume is scar tissue and whilst it feels more like my boob now it remains sensitive. It will improve more.

  • Hi pudding, 

    Thank you so much for your reply. It's reassuring to know that other people have the same issues. I suppose it takes time to heal and we shouldn't expect too much ️

  • Hi Badger I was trying to remember  my dates and it was 2019 not 2018. So that shows you I still have issues.  My memory is bad but im doing ok and you will have good and bad days. I started comparing myself to others which dosen't help. Be kind to yourself its a massive trauma. I just put up a picture of myself which is a big move for me as I feel so fat and ugly after  treatment. Here if you need a chat Donna aka pudding

  • Thanks Donna, 

    Its really nice to chat to someone who's in a similar situation. My memory is sketchy too sometimes. I know everyone is different and everybody heals at different rates so comparing yourself to others isn't always the best thing to do. I think because I'm quite young and reasonably fit I expected to just bounce back from treatment and go back to 'normal'. I've since realised that I do need to let my body heal and get over what has happened the past 10 months! I think like you said we just need to be kind to ourselves. Take care, Charlotte xx

  • Hi Charlotte 

    I think so much is luck and how you're body and mind manages chemo and treatment.  I will find you an article I read about after the treatment and I will send it if I can work out how to . Just focus on the new you and some self care. I initially started thinking ohh my gosh im so much bigger i need to loose weight so tried walking miles and all that did was damage my feet which had taken a battering from the doxataxel. I have a friend who is 5 years post treatment and they are a great inspiration they say it wasn't till two years after they started to really understand what had happened and start emotionally healing. Anyway I will go and find this article and let you know Charlotte xxx