Cheated on while trying to recover from breast cancer

I have recently found out that my partner has been cheating on me with a women considerably younger than me, slim and, has fake breasts...which is an even bigger slap in the face given I've had to gave a mastectomy. I'm beyond sickened by what he's done to me and feel so very foolish for having trusted him implicitly. He's left me for this horrible women who knew exactly what she was doing and saw no issue with doing so as she had the audacity to message me to say she single and can do what she likes. His family have not idea what he's done as he's covered his tracks  so well. I just don't know how to move forward. I'm 45 years old, faulty and now, post menopausal, I'm absolutely broken by what he's done

  • Hi Nic75

    I‘m just reading your message. My ex of 9 years cheated on me. I ended it New Year’s Day 2024, no going back for me. He immediately got in a relationship with the girl he cheated on me with and within a few months he’s got her pregnant. Claims it was talked about and planned but I suspect she’s done it because she’s jealous of our daughter and wants him to put her and her baby before our daughter, not that he does put our daughter first. I’m raising our daughter with the help of his parents who have been great. He’s still financially tied to me what with the house that is now on the market but no real interest. He doesn’t even live with his new girlfriend. 

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer when my little girl was only four months old, had a mastectomy when she was six months old. Eight months after that he starts cheating on me. We’ve been split up now almost 7 months and I can tell you the mental and emotional trauma is still there. I’m referring myself for a second lot of counselling because I’m just about coping.

    I just wondered how after 4 years you are doing now? Do you feel better and have you recovered from the trauma of the cancer and your husbands infidelity.

    All the best