Hi there,
Just wondering if anyone on here has experienced post chemo nausea which lingered for a long time following completion of chemo? I completed chemo (FEC-T) almost 9 weeks ago now, but I am still experiencing a horrible nauseous feeling in my oesophagus. My tummy is mostly fine, it's predominantly in my oesophagus that the nauseous discomfort occurs. There is a feeling of something being stuck in there, and sometimes a bubbling/fizzing sensation. Neither my Oncologist nor my GP seem to know what it is as my symptoms don't really match those of common gastro complaints like heartburn, acid reflux (apart from the fizzing feeling, I guess?) etc, as I don't have any burning chest pain or difficulty with swallowing. I have tried omeprazole, cyclizine, metoclopramide, Gaviscon and Rennie's and none of them have helped. There has been no improvement at all during this time, the feeling is constantly there and never really eases up. I can eat, luckily, and I eat really healthily, and have eliminated all caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods etc to see if that helps, but it hasn't. Be really grateful to hear from anyone else who may have experienced/is experiencing anything similar and whether it eventually passed?
Many thanks in advance