Overheating after treatment

Hi all,

I'm after a bit of advice or suggestions if other people have had a similar experience.

I finished successful treatment (chemo and radio) for stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma in June 2017. Since then I have had a real problem with over heating and excessive sweating. I have a good diet and am very active but this has become more of an issue each year to the point where I find it difficult to do any activity in 20+ degree heat and it causes no end of awkward social situations.

Has anyone experienced similar and if so, managed to manage or treat it? Due to the Covid I haven't brought it up with my doctor this year as I haven't had a chance but any advice would be great!

Thabks for reading!

  • Hi Fergus617

    I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with some side effects of your treatment. It sounds as if they are really impacting on the quality of your daily life. 

    I'd certainly suggest getting in touch with your GP, or Consultant, to discuss this. They may be able to suggest some options to help. 

    I do hope that you're managing to cope in the current heatwave. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi Fergus

    I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and I’ve been experiencing the over heating and excessive sweating as I’m currently on treatment. Did you finally find a way to manage the excessive sweating and over heating?