New pain 7 months after lumpectomy


had anyone suffered any new pain several months after lumpectomy?

i recovered well but last week it so started to have significant stabbing pains in same breast as operation and now I am worried !

any advice please x

  • Hi Karyn.

    Good luck tomorrow with scan.

    Trisha x

  • Thank you Trisha

    I'm a bag of nerves at the moment and have been for days.

    I hope all is well with you and I will let you know how tomorrow goes.


    Kind regards 

    Karyn x



  • I'm so glad I found this thread My timing was almost exactly the same Surgery in May and radiotherapy in July I had chemo before surgery and am now on herceptin and hormone blockers but my breast and nipple felt quite numb for a while but then recently it's started to feel sore and now I am getting stabbing pains all around the side of  the breast and it's really tender to touch The dog jumped on my chest last night and it was excruciating. Of course I am panicking that the cancer is back. I'm terrified of this anyway but to make matters worse my partner who has supported me all through my treatment was diagnosed with colon cancer last week and we are waiting to find out how bad it is. It's unbearable ! So thank you for making me feel that at least I'm not alone in getting delayed breast pain. I need to find the strength to get it checked but just don't have any this week 

  • I know exactly how you feel as I posted the same so many months ago now.

    People on here are so kind and share their feelings.  I do have some news for you and anybody else suffering pain in their affected breast.  I went for my first mammogram post surgery (delayed by about 6 months because of covid).  The radiographer showed me my mammogram and I was so surprised to see a breast with all sorts of metal in it!  Clips from the lumpectomy and the original marker which was threaded in and still there.  No wonder it was painful and still is on occasion.  I don't think it helped  with me prodding around either.  A bionic boob and, my guess is, this is why a lot of the discomfort is there.  I may be quite wrong but the result of my mammogram showed no signs of cancer.


    Will we ever not worry about cancer coming back - I doubt it.  But, if it does come back we know we will deal with it.

    I really hope this helps.


  • Thanks so much for replying 

    How long after surgery was your mammogram. I think it's adding to my anxiety that I haven't been seen by a doctor since my surgery in May. No post op examination just radiotherapy and nurses giving me herceptin

    I m not sure if this is due to Covid Mb I should be pushing for a review and a mammogram. I was told I would be seen in January for a chat but not sure if I should try to be seen earlier. 

  • I was seen by the surgeon after lumpectomy to say I needed no more surgery as the margins were clear.  Were you seen to confirm your margins were clear? I was then signed off to the care of the oncologist who prescribed the oestrogen blocker  and a few infusions still to be had.  I had an appointment with her to sign me off and was told if I had any concerns to ring the breast care nurses rather than see my gp.  A few weeks after radiotherapy had completed I had an appointment with the Oncology Consultant Radiologist. who examined the affected breast and lymph node removal site.


    It is usually one year after surgery that the first mammogram happens but, as I say with Covid it was 18 months.  


    For me, the worry doesn't completely go away but it certainly has got a lot more manageable and I have found talking with others in the same position really helps me.  So, I can honestly say, after receiving the first mammogram after surgery I have far less worrying moments.  

  • Hi, 

    I was looking on here to see if there was similar.

    I had a lumpectomy in September last year and a week of Radiotherapy in November. 

    I felt fine after. I went back to my Health Care Assistant job in January , phased back in 24 hrs with no long shifts. I started working long shifts again last week, these are 13 hrs days.

    I have been getting a feeling of being bruised around the area where they took out a couple of lymph nodes and along the top of my breast where the pectoral muscles are. I am worried I might have strained myself lifting and moving  residents . I am also on hormone tablets and find my joints in my hands and knees are very stiff in the morning.

    I am 60 years old but am fit and active usually, I am just feeling exhausted at the moment. I do know whether to take more time off or struggle on?

    I think the current situation isn't helping as we are short of staff and mentally tired as well. 

    Take care x

  • Hi,

    Poor you.  In fact you could be me! 

    What I mean is I also work in nursing so understand the long days and the lifting you will be doing.  Believe it or not, the job we do really did help in my recovery because of the arm strength built up over the years.  Long days are something I haven't done since diagnosis.  

    Just to let you know that I also feel, even two years later, the bruising like pain.  Sometimes worse than other times.  My one-year mammogram was delayed because of Covid but when I did get it I was so surprised.  I was able to look at the mammogram and saw metal clips around where the lesion had been taken and the little marker was still in there.  

    A couple of other things spring to mind which may help.  I take Anastrozole and have discovered a side effect is breast tenderness.  Also with Anastrozole and, I would think, all the other tablets sometimes the drug brand makes a big difference.  Another thing is the area where they removed lymph nodes was really quite painful and stiff.  My Breast Nurse referred me to a Physiotherapist who diagnosed a frozen shoulder from being on the operating table. That is sorted out now.  

    Our bodies have been through so much surgery, radiotherapy and medications.  If you work in a hospital Occupational Health is very supportive.  If you work in the private sector I would just say, in case you didn't know, you will be under the Disability Act and they should make allowances for you.  An example for me is not working any more night shifts and also making sure I take my breaks (most nurses just can't fit them in).  My Manager will also allow me to take an extra short break if I feel I need it.  Nursing is such an emotionally and physically draining job that you must not just struggle on.  Your shifts should be planned so that you don't do too many in a row.  OH have put in writing I am not to do more than three in a row without a day off.  If in your break you could go out to your car to chill out in silence and deep breathe it really recharges you.  

    I hope this helps you.  

    Trisha x



  • Thanks Trish, that is so helpful.

    I dropped a shift last year anyway , so I now do 2 long shifts and one 6. 75hr. 

    I do these 3 days split over the week so not too bad. 

    I didn't realise about the disability act. 

    I will be doing a month of nights at the end of this month., We do this every five months. This is 3 on then 3 off. It is sometimes less heavy at night and we do get to sit down more. 

    I am taking Letrozole as my cancer was hormone fed. This makes my finger and knee joints stiff in the mornings but it wears off once I start moving around.

    It's interesting about the metal clips on the mammogram. My lump was on the top right breast and less than an inch long and I was lucky enough that they could infill with my surrounding breast tissue. My breast looks really good considering. I still have a blue Square under my breast where they injected the dye to highlight my lymph nodes.

    I feel so lucky to have been treated so quickly but amazed at how many women do get breast cancer.

    Thank you again and take care xx

  • You take great care of yourself.

    I don't come to the site very often now.  It's just my way of being positive.  The site got me through days when I felt there was no hope.  But I want you, and anybody to know if I can help I always will.


    Trisha xx