Severe stomach pain 12 months after Whipple procedure

Hi everyone, 

I am writing here as my grandma had Whipple procedure nearly 12 months ago. She really struggled with eating and taking the creole tablets after the surgery and still sometimes now. The main concern at the moment is that she experiences intense stomach pain and cramps which really zap all of her energy and make her feel so unwell. She is also a carer for my grandad so this makes her job even harder. The stomach pain can often last for a day and then disappear for a little while but recently it has been more frequent. She was told that all they could do was to refer to a gastroenterologist but considering the current situation with COVID-19, this is not possible. We have no idea how else to supprt her at the moment and I wondered whether anyone had any tips that have helped them to manage intense stomach pain - any exercises, specific diets, rememdies? Ayything would be very much appreciated.

  • Hello katiereading

    I'm sorry to hear that your Grandma is strugglnig with pains and cramps. It's understandable that she's feeling unwell and that you're worried about her. 

    Does she know if there's anything that brings the pain on? It would be a good idea to suggest that she keeps a diary to see if she is able to identify if there is any particular food or activity that starts the pain or makes it better/worse. 

    I would also suggest that you give our team of nurses a call as they may be able to offer some advice and support for you in terms of how to best manage things. they will be available again after Easter on 0808 800 4040. Normal office hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    I do hope that things improve for her soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hello Everyone, I had a Whipple surgery in 2015, I have made a good recovery except for episodes of intense stomach cramps followed by diarrhaea. During the cramps I sometimes have extreme nausea, cold sweat and severy symptom that I am about to vomit but the nausea always subsides at the critical point. This has happened since immediately after my operation,my body seems unable to vomit. Could this be because of the Whipple's procedure? I feel it makes the abdominal cramps more severe . The polyps which prompted my surgery proved to be pre-cancerous. Can anybody help me with this, please?

    I ended up in hospital this week after an extra severe attack of cramps and nausea being sent there by my GP who suspected something more serious,  which was not the case.I take Creon regularly.

    With best wishes Troop