Anti depressants for Menopause Effexor 75mg

I've today been prescribed efexor 75mg (venlafaxine) as I have very bad menopause since being diagnosed  with breast cancer, has anyone else been prescribed anti depressants for menopause?

I've completed radiotherapy , delayed the letrozole due to menopause symptoms but oncologist said I couldn't delay any further. I've been taking Letrozole  for 6 weeks and really don't feel great. I'll persevere with it. my whole body aches, I'm so tired, and really don't get good nights sleep. My breast is still very painful even 8 months after surgery - I've put on a stone in 6 months !

i hope to feel better on these tablets , is there light at the end of this tunnel?

  • Hi Michskin

    I was on tamoxifen then onto anatrozole, memopause was brought on by taking this medication. My quality of life changed significantly with not just hot flushes but sweats 24/7, was up half the night changing my PJs, sheets etc. I had terrible hip and joint pain on tamoxdifen but once on anasrozole the pain stopped and was put on the antidepresant sertraline for the hot flushes sweats, within a week of sertraline my hot flushes/sweats stopped and I felt great, my life went back to pre breast cancer.

    The only problem I have left with is the weight gain, I exercise daily but although my weight hasn't increased I can't seam to lose it. Once the better weather starts I aim to do more exercise. 

    So to answer your question, yes there is light at the end of the tunnel but you have to find what works for you.