Anastrozole - ugh!!!

After having stage 2 hormone receptive cancer, I had a lumpectomy and radiotherapy in 2016.

Facing up to cancer and the surgery were a piece of cake, compared to the side effects of the medication.

I started off with Letrozole and put up with the side effects until one night near Christmas, I was pacing the freezing cold conservatory floor, to ease the itchiness and bright red soles of my feet, to no avail. Eventually, I was seen by Oncology and changed to Anastrozole.

Although better, the joint pain, dry nose canal & nose sores, dry mouth and teeth/gum damage, excessive sneezing and runny nose (despite it being dry!!!), anxiety, depression, weight gain, higher cholesterol, skin itchiness and irritation, frequent bladder infections and finally, such horrendous vaginal dryness and vulva pain (I cannot even insert a 'yes' capsule without it being agonizing) and the fact that I have physically been unable to make love with my husband for over a year, enough is enough. I am 57 and want a life!!!

I now have to have bladder surgery, which I am convinced is due to the fact that the Anastrozole is drying my body out on the inside and I feel like an old, depressed, unfit lady, who used to be fit and a happy bunny, but can now only do gentle swimming (i've been told I am lucky to be able to do that!!!!).

The Oncologist/GP and Pharmacist have suggested changing brands, but none of them have taken responsibility for this and I have been left as the 'man in the middle', desperately trying to sort this out, when I am the patient!!

Cancer truly sucks and now that the yearly follow-up appointments with the breast care nurses and Consultant have have been pulled in the UK, i'm sure i'm not alone in feeling totally let down and left to sort myself out re the ongoing 10 year medication regime.

I have taken myself off Anastrozole now and have done so for the last month. Have I done the right thing - who knows, but I can't stand it any longer.

  • Hello, just wondering how things are going and whether you chose to try out any options suggested here....?

  • Hiya

    Thank you very much for coming back to me again.

    I have gone onto the link you kindly provided and i'm definitely going to purchase some of the cream, as it sounds excellent and I love the fact that the ingredients are all natural, so thank you ever so much for providing the details.

    In the meantime, I have been to see a new GP, who listened and didn't judge me. It seems that I am one of the unlucky ones, who is having so many side effects from all the meds I have been taking (Anastrazole, Ad-cal & Sertraline) and although it was a dangerous thing to come off them all (especially the Sertraline) immediately, she understood and respected my reasons/decision.

    It is almost 7 weeks since I stopped the meds. I have struggled mentally due to no Sertraline and hit rock bottom for a while and my mood swings are awful, but I am already feeling much better regarding my 'body'. I have free movement, as I don't feel like i'm seizing up and my joints feel great. I also don't feel bloated all the time and believe i'm already losing weight and no longer feel 'fit to burst' constantly and therefore the 'old me' is coming back, with the ability of wanting and feeling like I can do so much more.

    My GP has suggested I keep off the meds for a  3-4 month period and then go back to see her, as she is concerned that I am 'high risk' and really should be on the anti-cancer meds. In the meantime, she wants me to make notes of the difference re improvement of side effects and then if I agree to go back on them, we can look at different meds which don't have the same side effects. She also recommended vaseline to use on my skin and sore external areas, which is a brilliant barrier to both germs and dry skin/rubbing.

    Personally, I feel that feeling much better, eating healthier and being able to exercise (as i'm now pain free and supple), will make a huge difference to my chances and also the drop in my cholesterol level without the drugs (up to 5% of women don't make it due to this alone), will be enough to see me through, but I will put posts up throughout my journey..........

    Thank you to everyone for all your support and suggestions and I will buy the Weleda and report back on that too.

    Happy and healthy 2020 everyone.

  • Hi Holls,

    Anastrozole - ugh!!!  I totally agree with you. 

    I stuck it for 2 years then switched to Exemestane, which is definitely easier to cope with. I had some odd bladder issues too, sensitivity especially during hot flushes. 

    But yes I did find it made me feel old and achy and anxious.  It's tricky, but if you can find a medication that works for you, that has bearable side-effects, I think it's really worth sticking with it if you can. 

    Very best wishes to you, 


  • I found the combination of Hyalofemme and Sylk worked well. 

    One used as a moisturiser every 3 days or so, and one as a lubricant before sex. 

    Both are cancer safe.  

    Best wishes,


  • Hi Holls,

    How are you getting on? Are you still taking the meds and has anything helped with soreness down below? Hope you are well.

  • Hiya

    Thank you very much for your email.

    Well, here I am 3 months on and I feel absolutely marvelous!  It has taken a long time for the side effects of the meds to wear off, but I'm feeling so much better, I really do feel like the old me.

    I am still uncomfortable down below, but I believe this is all related to my diagnosed Irritable Bladder Syndrome and Vulvodynia, but the overall skin dryness everywhere else has cleared up and the vaseline continues to work wonders.

    Looking back, I just cannot believe how awful the meds made me feel and I don't know how I got through each day, particularly at work, feeling so depressed, exhausted and with all the side effects I suffered with, that I know now, definitely weren't my imagination running wild. 

    The drugs had an awful lot to answer for.  The main drug may be a wonder drug, but I can honestly say, I felt my life wasn't worth living, or my own, I was owned by it and it really was a horror.  In saying that, I do not wish to encourage others to stop taking it, this was a huge decision for me to have made, which I did on my own and will have to face the consequences, but at least I have my life back, after 3 years of hell and I'm able to live each day, rather than suffer each and every minute.

  • Hi I have been taking Anastrazole for 3 years. I sometimes have a week off, but find it takes a couple of weeks to stop the muggy head when I start again. I am on them for 10 years. I have recently had bladder infection due to the lack of oestrogen. 
    D-Mannose is amazing gets rid of infection within a few days. I also use Vulva balm for itchiness. It's Amazing how it makes a barrier to stop any discomfort. 

  • I was put on letrozole first. After about 5 months my wrists became painful. This got so bad I couldn't even dress myself, hold a plate or butter a piece of toast. I'm a procrastinator but it got so bad I did go to see the oncology nurse who changed my tablets to Exemestane. I've been on this for 6 months now. My wrists are all better but I get tired easily, have niggles here and there in muscles and joints. But I do get very breathless and wonder if this is the meds. 

  • Hi

    i have just found this chat room, I am so pleased.

    i had a lumpectomy and am just about to start radiotherapy, I have been put on Anastrozole7 weeks now, It's also been 3/4 months since I stoped my HRT, I have such vaginal dryness, when I tried to make love with my husband it was so painful and that was with lube, I spoke to my dr who is a woman,she basically told just to put up with it or do something else !, I am only 57 , got re married a year and a half ago, feel like it's the end.  I Am really grateful that they got the lump out and I didn't need chemo, but , I feel I am starting to be an old woman before my time, sorry to moan



  • Oh bless you. I'm so sorry to hear you're suffering so much and totally understand where you're coming from.

    It is absolutely appalling that your doctor has no understanding or compassion. I'm so angry for you.

    As a cancer patient you are entitled to free feminine products to help, on prescription. My GP prescribes YES vaginal moisturiser, to be inserted daily until symptoms ease and then you can slowly reduce it. I found this incredibly painful to administer at first, but it became less so, as time went on and did make the situation much better. Without sounding crude, I also purchased some anaesthetic lubricating gel from a pharmacist (although some won't sell it to you), which I place at the entrance 'below', which also helped an awful lot. It takes away the initial pain, so very, very helpful.

    No woman should have to suffer and should be able to make love with her husband, so don't give up. I cried so many times and my husband was so scared of hurting me, it was awful, so I do totally sympathize with you.

    Another route is to contact your Oncologists Secretary and get a review appointment, as there are different cancer meds they can put you on.

    Please don't give up & don't be bullied by any doctor. They are there to help you and if you get a good one, it's fab, but if you're unlucky not to, you have to push for everything, but don't give in.

    Wishing you lots of luck and I soooo hope this helps you.