Tongue cancer

Hi all you lovely folk who have and are still suffering or struggling , I appear to be be doing no both at present , after initial being very brave I think I'm now realising that I've been to hell and back and more. It's been over 3 months now since surgery which was the 9 th September

partial tongue removal and lymph nodes from left side of neck.  Cancer gone thank god and no more treatment needed , but my recovery is and has been hell.  My salvia gland leaked causing me so much grief.  My shoulder is agony leaving my left shoulder colder bone arm left hand tingling and hellish pain , awaiting physio , my neck very sore and stiff still.  Excerscising 3 times daily , n

my Gp wants me to go back to work , ima health care with complex kids 37 years service I love my job , but after trying to tall y Gp that I'm physically not able to do my job , it's not really what she wants to hear and after a discussion where I had to really say please do not make me go back , she finally agreed to give me another month off and said she will ring me 16 Dec to discuss  is me going back , work are fine Hr And wellbeing are ok and I i understand they have policies and have to follow them , I'm so frightened that

t my Gp makes me go back and I cannot do my job , and let my team down , my life has changed so much and I'm so pleased the cancer gone and I'm in recovery.  But I just cannot seem to be my normal self.  I have a few good days then a bloody awful day , my hubby thinks I'm moody and miserable , I just wish he could have a day in my shoes , I'm up beat most of the time , I've put tree up and got into my festivities started to have granchuldren for few hours with hubby or son with me , but I feel that will never ever be the happy go lucky person I was , is this normal.  McMillan nurses I know are there but if I ring usual an answer machine , and to be honest , I just wish there was groups more local as I'm not a car driver and to go to the McMillan centre it's 2 buses and a 2 hour journey there , and just have not got the energy.  Is it me or am I just trying to hard at minute , all advice would be great thank you xxxxx

  • Hi there Noonie64,

    Thank you for sharing how you're feeling, we're really sorry to hear about what you've been going through!

    It certainly sounds like you're doing a great job and really progressing with adjusting to your new normal. You've mentioned that a lot of the worries you're having are related to work, so we thought this page may have some helpful guidance that may help to ease how you're feeling: 

    Regarding your own wellbeing and not feeling as happy as you used to, it may be worth having a look at some of the fantastic resources on Mind: If these feelings persist, you may want to share it with your doctor so they can give you some specific advice tailored to you.

    Sending you best wishes, Moderator Thea 

  • Thankyou  for reply , my employee being really good it’s my Gp that’s pushing to get me to work , she is ringing me 16 th this month to discuss me going back my sickness note rubs  out that day , can my Gp make me go back to work , that’s what is really concerning me , xx

  • Hi noonie64

    12 months today my husband had all his tongue removed, we didn't know what to think, but we got through it, it's our first Christmas and it's gonna be hard coz he's not able to eat or drink, he's peg fed, but we'll make the most of it, hang in there it does get easier xx

  • Hello

    I know how your feeling, I went through the exact same procedure 9 months ago and was lucky I didn't require anymore treatment.

    The recovery is the worst part, (everyone is different), it's very early days for you, it's takes time, every one says it's early days and I realise this is true. The tingling/shooting pain in the arm, hands, neck, behind the ear will soon fade. It's the nerves fusing back together which is a good thing my consultant said. The sore tongue will ease,some of my taste is better, I've found certain foods iritate my mouth, bananas & tomato based products. Do you have a droopy lip? 

    Just take things easy and definitely have physio, it helped a lot and trying to do a little bit more each day. 

    To this day, I still have bad daysmore good though and days where I feel down & trying to absorb it all. (Like today) When I am I try to keep busy and focus on my family. 

    Maybe speak to the nurses about how you stand with your GP/Work, especially if your not ready.

    PM me if you need to chat






  • Thankyou for you’re reply , no droopy lip ,just numb  facr  ear and eye slightly droopy , but they said not sure why my eye is dropping nightmare but I know takes time , off work still which is the hardest. As I miss my job , started physio for shoulder it’s toture but fingers crossed it works ,I honestly never thought recovery would be like this and was not prepared for it , I’m not bouncing back as quick as I normally do , but they patience is a virtue  merry Christmas too you my lovely xxx

  • Hello 

    I hope you don’t mind me replying here but I am waiting to have a partial glossectomy at the back of my tongue in February. I was just wondering if you could give me some insight into how it was after with eating drinking talking pain etc. And how long recovery took


    thanks  so much and pleased to hear you didn’t have to have any other treatment. 

  • Hello sorry to hear your waiting for the partial glossectomy. I was never given a time scale or much information on the recovery and this is the part I have found to be the toughest both physically and mentally. I found having my friends and family around me for support is crucial. It's 10 months since I had the operation and I'm about 90% better which is brilliant. To start with in hospital I was on shakes which wasn't too bad & then soft foods like porridge, yoghurts etc I gradually built myself up when at home, mainly have shakes throughout the day and snacking. I think it took a good month before I would eat a "meal" of some sort. I liked smoothies, ice creams, cooled down soups, soggy bread, I was scared of biting my tongue. To this day I'm eating and drinking normally. I do still find some things irritating on my tongue , crisps, crusty bread but only have a little of it. Talking wise, the first week I was talking with a lisp as my tongue was swollen, but after the swelling had gone so did the lisp. I found drinking through a straw helped a lot too, as you can direct the liquid away from the swollen area. Are you having a neck dissection as well as this would also take time to recover. Sorry if this sounds too much info but it's best to be prepared but everyone is different. xx 

  • Thank you so much for the reply that’s really helpful I was worried they would be putting a feeding tube of some sort as didn’t think I would be able to eat straight away! Did you loose much weight because of this?

    at first they said I would have the neck dissection but the surgeon didn’t mention it again which worries me as I would rather have that done to be sure! X

  • I was worried to a about the feeding tube, but I asked the surgeon and he said no. There are speech & language nurses that come round and check that you can swallow properly & encourage you. It might be worth asking your nurse/contact to see how they plan to look after you. I lost a bit of weight just under a stone, but have since put I back on.

    Mmm my surgeon recommended the neck dissection to be on the safe side. X I hope it all goes well X

  • Hello, I had part of the muscle removed right under my tongue plus lymph nodes on both sides of my neck.  The op was done last Wednesday and I was home on Thursday afternoon. 

    To be fair the pain wasn't as bad as expected, but the swelling is uncomfortable. It feels like you've got a few marbles in your mouth.  I just had coffee, soup and water for a few  days.  The swelling eased off yesterday so today's been much better.  So much so, I've just had a sausage and two eggs (my favourite) for tea and it went down okay. 

    Talking afterwards was my main concern,  but although I know I don't sound the same, for just 6 days after, to be honest I'm really chuffed.  I don't think my 3 year old  grandson even noticed,  but he gave my bruised neck a funny glance.   

    I know you will take all the medication they'll give you, but here's a tip, use lots of mouthwash (on top of what they give you) ,it makes all the difference.    You'll no doubt have a bit bother brushing your teeth for a couple of days, but do persevere. 

    I hope this helps you a little,  and I wish you all the best of luck.     Kind regards. Col.