Coming off letrozole

I had breast cancer 7 years ago I am 71 yo

ive been on Letrozole for 7 years saw

my oncologist last week and said they are

now saying be on it for another five I said I’ve had enough just want to get my life back to be able to sleep st night fatigue all the time aches and pains loss of memory I am very fit I swim hour and walk hour every day if I didn’t I would cease up I have

decided to stop taking it to see how I feel will the cancer come back and will I withdrawal symptoms it’s been 3 days now

i am feeling little pains In my breast is that normal if I don’t feel any better after 3 months I will start taking it again I had a full body scan and mastectomy three weeks ago and I am all clear of cancer has anyone else experienced what I have I had lobular cancer had chemo and radiotherapy 





  • My joint pain has only changed a little so far I've just had a new knee so hopefully it will get better 

    and im still tired but I find im more tired when my b12 is die every 3 months 

    this may be worth you having blood test to see what you lack.

    my husband has just said he thinks im doing more so I must be

    My life has definitely change for the better since coming off letrozole and I hope it will still improve as I go along 

    keep me updated 

    I will keep fingers crossed xxxx

  • Hi ladies, can i ask someone who might have similar to me health conditions.

    I am type 1 Diabetic and I have Hipoterodoizm as well as autoimunne disorderas well as inflamatory artritice  and on Top of it BC , mastectomy on rg right side in 2019 . Oh yes and i suffer from depression and anziety on medicatuon for that .

    I had radioterapy in 2020 after my cancer reterned almost in the same place as before after 6 month after last surgery.

    I have been taking tamoxifen for about a year and my oncologist told me it is not working for me ( i had very little side effects from tamoxifen tho )

    then about 3 month ago , i have been given zolodex and lerozol and my life became to be hell .

    The letrozol make me fill ill most of the days, i can sleep, my heart rate hight , I have horrible mood swings and Hot flashes are absolutely killing me, i sweat as  a pig , headech and brain fogs are not nice, also i have memory loss and Im only 49 . My quality of life is dretfull. Im going throw horible divorce in the past 18 month ... still on and i feel like i dont want to take it any longer .

    Any advise ?