Still pain after lobectomy 7 months on

Had a lobe taken out in November via VATS procedure - I am still getting terrible pain from my chest down to waist - consultant says maybe adhesions - was given heavy pain killers but reluctant to use them as pain is sporadic - just grabs me now and again
have had follow up CT and shows no more growth on there - good! growths on other side have not grown either
Just wondering if anyone else has same procedure and still suffering

  • Hi chevloo I'm so sorry you feel like this I had a left lobectomy in February 2021 I was treated the same just felt they kicked me out with no aftercare I still get pain in my chest arm and breast it's a shame we don't have anyone to go to who can explain to us why this is happening . Take care X 

  • Hi all , had lower left lobe removed in August 2021, really struggling with my breathing, which I did not suffer before, worse in the morning, plus pain on both sides,anyone else having breathing problems x

  • Hi Helendo - hope your op was a success - we have had major surgery - mine is coming up to 3 yrs now and I am still in pain which varies day to day - my consultant said back in May that the pain is caused by the nerves healing - apart from soft tissue (i.e lung etc) rib bones were severely manipulated so I can understand that - doesnt help when we are in pain though! I very rarely take pain killers - dont know whether you do which might help
    I had trouble with breathing also and GP gave me ventolin inhalers - but when I saw consultant last year he prescribed Braitus (tiotropium) once a day inhaler - a lot easier to use as well!! - which has helped enormously - you can also use ventolin with it if needed.
    Can imagine you are still feeling sensitive getting over op but I can honestly say it does get better - physically and mentally
    Wishing you all the best xx 

  • Hi fliissy100 operation went well, gave me the all clear The doctor has also given me ventolin, having to use a lot, if things don't improve will try and make an appointment, wish there was some where to go for answers besides GPx

  • Do you have a cancer nurse with your consultant? Mine has been amazing - can ring her anytime and if needed gets me sorted straight away - Worth contacting - if not ring your consultants dept and tell them your problem xx

  • Hi sharay , I felt the same been really difficult to get any information, as I have said before still struggling with my breathing, had op in august 20 21

  • Aww darling it's still very early for you hopefully your breathing will get easier in time I'm still getting pain especially at night just wish there was somebody that we could see face to face and get answers . Take care X 

  • Hi, I had a left lower VATs lobectomy 6 months ago. The surgeon had told me I may be left with  permanent chest pain after the operation. I experience sporadic pain during the day, mostly feels sore under my left ribs waist area. My specialist nurse said it could be from the drain site, which would make sense in my case as the drains were placed close to the area of pain. I hope your pain is easier to control.