Hello all.
Considering what I am aware people go through with this awful disease I feel almost fraudulent posting on here but to be honest I don't know where else to turn to.
I was diagnosed with a Typical Lung Carcinoid in 2016 which was successfully removed in May of that year following a lobectomy. I was told it was completely removed and the Lymph nodes they removed tested negative.
Throughout the whole experience I was told it would never come back, there is a 3% chance of it coming back, I have a 90% chance of a 5 year survival, there is less than 1% chance of it coming back and finally last year on my follow i was told I wouldn't worry too much about it coming back. I am not criticising the doctors or the NHS by any means. They were superb and I will remain forever grateful to them.
My problem lies with not with the physical scars but the mental ones. I constantly worry its going to come back despite very promising comments from my doctor. I am sat writing this with my latest anxiety running mad. I am having funny sensations in my chest. Not pain per se. No pneumonia, i even went to the gym this afternoon and managed to run for 20 minutes. So why am I constantly anxious.
I would love to hear if anyone suffers similar anxieties and what you do to help control them. I try rationalising, occupying my mind and have even had counselling.
I hope this is the right forum for this post. I apologise if it isn't. And thank you for taking the time to read this.
Much love to all. Paul