Pain after 2 months partial kidney removal

Hi i was diagnosed with a kidney cancer.

Fortunately was early stage and in less the a month it was removed with a piece of the kidney.

All went well ,but now 2 months later i expecting  a better recover it was keyhole

I feel like burning on the side and wonds area.i even felt pumping my back.

Any one has the also diabetic and scared of infection.i still hv one wond not dried


  • I'm glad you are recovering ive been 4 years still have a slight pain now and then but it's the mental state I had problems with they said it was survives quilt. But it makes you a lot stronger in the end chin up always think positive. 

  • Dear Elvisfan

    thank you for your response and kindness. I worry about survivor's guilt although I'm not yet clear they are very optimistic. My sister,  52, died 10 years ago of ovarian cancer. She did advise me that she would haunt me if I didn't get on with my life and have a good time. She would as well



  • Hi CWAH, I'm 5 weeks on from a radical nephrectomy of left kidney by keyhole surgery on 20th April. 2.5cm renal tumour found whilst investigating kidney stones in my right kidney. I've been very lucky going by the majority of comments on here. I was home in 2 days and although quite sore have recovered well. Soo glad I've found this site and especially your experience as despite getting on ok, I've too have been experiencing this same type of pain but have found it hard to describe until reading this thread. This stinging/burning sensation is driving me mad and is very sore to the touch. It's the same area as you describe. I was told to expect a telephone consult in 4 weeks to discuss the results but it's 5.5 weeks and have heard nothing, been told my consultant is on annual leave when I've rang. He's due back Tuesday, so hopefully I may get some answers but in the meantime reading this thread has allayed some concerns I've had and just knowing things are going to take time and as you say the 6 weeks is a clinical recovery time. Thank you

  • Just seen this. It's a bit late to reply now but I will shortly with updates. In the meantime, take care.

  • Dear Elvisfan,

    I am a female Johnny Cash fan! Anyway, had partial nephrectomy left kidney four weeks ago. Was beginning to think recovery slowish but now reassured by these posts. My days vary. Sometimes walk well (but no more than a mile). Others, feel a bit lightheaded, sore still.

    My tummy is still pretty big but a relief after gas subsides. I am not looking forward to colonoscopy in two weeks time after acute attack of diverticulitis (bowel cancer, **** I hope not) but think I will just handle it, as pain from laparoscomy has reduced considerably. Like everyone else on here, it is over the kidney site that it is worse and where I have dissolvable stiches. Don't get much help across departments, eg surely there must be a rule as to when another intervention desirable, or not?

    I don't get the result of kidney biopsy until 1 November, that is, 9 weeks after the procedure. It is such a long time to wait (They say it has to do with a lack of histologists: Brexit too). 

    Anyway, take courage. Heaven knows what 'clinical recovery' actually means!!


  • Hi Totty1 & all,

    I had a partial right nephrectomy via keyhole surgery in June . Stage 2 RCC, prognosis good following surgery but have had ongoing discomfort down my right side, feeling of tightness in the wound area, occassional stabbing pain but more usually "stinging nettle" type sensation. I'm so glad that I've found this site & now realise ongoing discomfort is common place & fingers crossed will reduce over time.....considering the alternative if hadn't had surgery, a little soreness is a small price to pay.

    Good luck to all with recovery.



  • Hi I was having a mopey sort of a day. But then I saw your post and knowing that this lovely bunch of people are supporting each other has made me teary and happier. Thank you

  • Hi Totty1,

    Glad I brightened up your day:wink:

    This group seems like a needed lifeline/resource for so many people that have experienced similar events. So nice to see so many people doing well.

    Have a fab day