Pain after 2 months partial kidney removal

Hi i was diagnosed with a kidney cancer.

Fortunately was early stage and in less the a month it was removed with a piece of the kidney.

All went well ,but now 2 months later i expecting  a better recover it was keyhole

I feel like burning on the side and wonds area.i even felt pumping my back.

Any one has the also diabetic and scared of infection.i still hv one wond not dried


  • Im back to work now , 5 month  after surgery.pain its better,still here,be attencion of what you eat.i believe some saly foods lije bacon make it worse.

    Wishing u a good recovery

  • Me same,has been 7 months.i cant bend to tie my shoes or sneeze,without my tummy muscles start twisting with doctor says could be the  side nerves,that are irritated.around wounds ,and on the back side has also a disconfort.some days better than others.

    Wishing u a good recovery 

  • I feel thw gp returned from maternity to save my life and went back soon after.

  • Exact same bud doctors told me the same tummy muscles good days not that often i tell you but better than i was  . just don't feel that people around me don't understand how i feel from day to day .


  • I feel being a father and husband i should be the strong one but now after 25 years i need their help.its been a year and some days my tummy is swollen up where the scar is i do have fluid that's there but going away slowly.


  • Hi all sorry to rain on your parade a little   l had a partial nephrectomy 11 years ago   the opp went well   back at work in 4 weeks it was a papillary cell carcinoma,  found by accident, flank pain on left side , ultrasound and ct scan diagnosed it . Over the next 11 years sometimes get the flank pain but just before Christmas last year went back to see my GP with the flank pain said it could be scar tissue but not sure so had an ultrasound   they found a nodule at the nephrectomy site still unsure was sent for a ct scan no reply from my consultant so according to him no reply is good news. So I think that us partial nephrectomy people will perhaps have to put up with a little discomfort every now and then as long as we get chance to grow old with our children and grandchildren 

  • I had my kidney out 7 months Ago after 6 weeks started feeling bit better, then started getting pain in my stomach after ending up in casualty they said thought was nerve damage so now this so called nerve damage is round my hip little way down my leg and started going round my back its excruciating and wrecking my life,, just wandered if anyone else has had this problem 

  • Hi berh I had keyhole surgery on 18/2/20 to remove my right kidney. It's been 11 weeks now. Like you I'm getting pain in right groin shooting down leg, occasionally. Also still swollen and very tender around scars and my side. I wouldn't say my pain excruciating but constantly nagging away. Some days worse than others

  • Hi Folks

    Having NOT been diagnosed by GP despite 15 months of blood tests and NOT being told I had cancer I find that my medical recoords refer to Kidney disease! I was eventually rushed to hospital by ambulance having passed blood in my urine and in intense pain. Initially told it was probably a kidney stone a CT scan showed a large cancer tumour growting on the right kidney which wass too big for keyhole surgery! Having controlled the pain due to corona virus I was sent home despite the consultant telling me the poor diagnosis. Prayers answered I did have the op 2 weeks later following a bit of a drama. I now have a 12" scar on right side. Area below the scar is basically numb but the area up to 2" above the scar is driving me nuts. Its so sensitive to touch and feels like a 1000 nettles have been rubbed into the skin. I have 4/10 pain reaching around the side to my back now.  Does anyone else have the nettle pain! Any ideas how to settle this infernal irritation down, even a little?

    Thanks in anticipation. 



  • Hi Boon

    I had a similar operation at the beginning of December 2019. An 'open' Radical Nephrectomy with the right kidney being removed and inspection of a suspect lymph node, which turned out to be an ectopic gland. I have a roof top incision an inch below the rib cage leaving we with an 18'' scar, 8'' on the LHS and 10'' down the RHS. I have numbness about 3'' below the scar and had slight stinging above for about a month which subsided. The ends of the wound internally were lumpy and I had one spot on the wound with a lump which wept (tear like) for about 2-3 weeks. These sorted themselves out over time but the numbness below is still there.

    I'm 54 in 3 weeks and was relatively fit beforehand, 6'1'' tall and 105kg before the Op. I lost about 15kg over 4-6 weeks but am now back to 100kg. I cycled and went to the Gym spinning before being diagnosed in Aug 19 and walked the dog daily. After 5-6 weeks I could walk about 2 miles and 2 months ago I started cycling again, short rides with the dog running of about 6 miles and have been on the road bike 3 times now over 20 miles each time. I cut the grass regularly and garden and cut the bushes (50 metres) last week

    Im getting back lower rib ache, I presume where the kidney was and what feels like a twist to the RHS scar internally when I push a heavy supermarket trolley or use the lawnmower.

    I'm putting this down to getting on with life and doing things but sometimes it does play on my mind if things are OK? I have a check up CT scan on the 4th June and review on the 10th so keeping my fingers crossed.

    It is good to find a site with shared experiences and not just the post op weeks standard stuff. Good luck with everything settling down and please keep in touch with updates

    Stay safe and positive 
