
Hi I’m new to this forum.  I have had breast cancer twice, 2nd time round was in the same breast.  Because of this I decided to go for a double mastectomy to avoid a “3rd” time.  First time round I was put into Tamoxifen for 5 years, apart from the common side effect of hot flushes & mega weight gain  I felt well on then.  However, I’m now on Letrozole, have been taking them for just over 12 months and am experiencing just about every single side effect listed and more.  Recently I have been getting excessive sweating, dull like growing pain in my left leg from hip to  knee, excessive fatigue and more recently bouts of Vertigo & Tinnitus which are so debilitating I keep having to take time off work.  I’m interested to find out  if anyone else is experiencing this on Letrozole?  I also have aching joints which I can cope with, excessive itchiness all over the body, mainly at nigh but I take antihistamines for that.

With all of this going on it’s making me feel like a complete hypercondriact... is anyone else experiencing all of this and how do you cope? 

I look forwards to your comments xx

  • Hi Jolamine,


    Thank you for your kind thoughts.


    Keep safe,




  • Hi,

    I have been prescribed Letrozole after having a tumour removed from breast. 

    I do not need chemo but will have radiotherapy.


    I am pretty loathed to start taking these tablets because of the side effects, I am 69 and would rather have a good quality of life than edure what seems to be a torture.

    All of the blog on here regarding Letrozole has been anything but good.


    Hi Slinkymoo,

    Not all of the blogs on Letrozole have been bad. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 11 years. I initially had a lumpectomy followed by Tamoxifen. A year later I discovered another lump and had a double mastectomy followed by Letrozole. I took this for 6 years and stopped in 2017. I have had side-effects, but I am still here 11 years after diagnosis and living a good quality of life. Surely this has to be a good thing?

    Lorraine has also benefitted as she says below.

    We hear a lot when things go wrong, but people don't usually bother to write when they are sailing through with none. Besides, not everyone gets side-effects.

    Have you discussed with your consultant what percentage of benefit s/he thinks you will get from taking this drug? this might help you to have a more balanced view. Whatever you decide, I hope that you reach the right decision for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


  • Just started taking Letrazole, aged 77.  I already have some arthritic pain but was hoping that a few people might post as above that their side effects haven't been too bad!  Anyone out there who has managed Letrazole for several years without too many side effects?  Never took HRT as menopause manageable without, so hoping that I can manage Letrazole.  Useful to know that it can be worth changing brands.

  • Hi.I hope you are well.I am in a similar situation to you....I had a 1 inch tumour behind my breast and had an operation to remove the nipple and part of my breast tissue plus sentinal node removal on September 9th.

    I have been having radiotherapy Monday to Friday of this week and today discussed my concerns about being prescribed Letrozole.

    I am horrified to read these posts and have decided not to begin taking these tablets.I am 67 and am fit and have good quality of life.

    Good luck.



    Hi Genene,

    Welcome to our forum and to the club that nobody really wants to join. I have outlined my experience above.

    The side-effects to Letrozole don't affect everyone. I did have some, but they were manageable and, the very fact that I am still here 11 years on is testament to the fact that they work. If it really doesn't agree with you, there are other treatments that you can take.

    I was 60 when first diagnosed. I am now 71, still working and leading a busy life.

    I wish you well on your cancer journey.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you're getting on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Gen,

    I had a breast reduction and tumour removed. (Stage 2 ductal) Diagnosis was in Oct 2019. Op in early Nov and radiotherapy x15 which was completed in February 2020. I too was prescribed Letrozile. Like you I was 67 and in very good health, apart from the breast cancer that is!  

    So having heard the horror stories like you, I wasn't keen to start it. I did try it for 3 months, but even then I only  took it every other day! I started to ache quite badly whereas this had never happened to me before. I became low mood and felt weight piling on.
    I don't take it now. I have no plans to either. The risk is upped (for me) about 1.5%. It's a tiny percentage in my opinion to give up the quality of the life I enjoy. I am active and enjoy swimming and walking miles. I feel happy and am gradually learning to live without the constant thought of cancer returning. It has taken me a long time to get to this point (well I guess a year all told) but I really have stopped being scared.
    I am not at all sure what it was that's altered my perspective. Perhaps having the op two weeks ago that levelled up my boobs? I feel 'whole' again. Back to 'normal'. Certainly though I feel more confident and back to my old self. It takes time. 


    So whilst I am not advocating my decision (the decision not to take Letrozole)  for anyone else I  absolutely believe it's right for me. I discussed it with the oncologist

    who didn't feel strongly either way. He says many women come to the conclusion that the price to  pay is too high,  for too small a benefit. Certainly that's where I am. 

    Did you have an ONCO test by the way which tests suitability for chemo? I did and it turned out for me that the risks posed by chemo would be more than would prove to be the benefit so I just had radiotherapy. 

    I wish you well of course. I have always found this forum to be very helpful. It's good to tune into. Everyone tries to help out. Go well. Stay safe. 

    Kebbs x 


  • Hi Jolamine and Kebbs.

    How kind of you both to message me.

    This is such an informative site and comforting to hear others' stories of recovery and resolve.

    My concerns surrounding the taking of Letrozole originated from an awful inflammatory condition when I was 58....all my joints were inflamed for a number of months and it was terrifying.I was barely able to walk so am so cautious of anything that may set the condition off again.

    I am told that the benefits of taking Hormone Therapy are 2% so for me the decision was easy but of course everyone has to make a decision according to their own circumstances.Thank goodness my tumour was slow growing over 3 years....it had been wrongly diagnosed as Duct Ectasia[ non-cancerous inverted nipple] so for me the chances of the cancer returning aggressively are hopefully less.....also I no longer take HRT which I had been prescribed for 15 years so,hopefully, less oestrogen will be affecting my body. 

    Like you,Kebbs,I am active and help look after my grandchildren aged 2 and 4 months on weekdays and love long walks.I can't risk losing my wonderful active lifestyle.....well done on the breast op...like you I am lop sided ...the radiotherapy seems to have made my breast even smaller....but I can live with that.I'm even getting to like the look!

    Kindest regards to you both.

    Stay safe,along with all the other visitors to the site.




  • You are inspirational Jolamine.


    I have replied more fully to both you and Kebbs below.


    Very best wishes,



  • Hi Gen,

    Yes I took HRT for 15 years too. I can't help thinking it aggravated the breast cancer. Oncologist felt it was a very minor contributory factor though. Anyway like you I now feel my body must be benefitting from less oestrogen circulating!! 

    Yes the radiotherapy shrank my treated breast a bit more too!  At some point in the future I recommend the 'matching up' of your breasts. It really has been  such a boost for me!  Both physically and psychologically. I feel 'whole' again. Always thought I would reject such surgery but I am SO glad I have had  it done. It's 'healed' me in ways I had no idea it would. I feel strong and back to who I was before this cancer calamity befell me. 

    Take care. 
    Kebbs x x