pain still in boob after RT 7/8 weeks later anyone ?

Well this RT seems to be lingering..... its now 7/8 weeks after and all the redness went after week 4/5 week 6 onwards it was so painful i went back to hosp and they said it was nyropathic pain. Now its like 7/8 weeks and theres a sligh bit of redness again and getting v hot in the night and it just feels sore again to have clothes next to it. I am also worried about this hard lump bit like a bloob of chewing gum! under the scar. I read this is normal but i am getting paronoid now, im massaging the area but its not going.

TO POINT OUT  i have had a lumpectomy and 15 rads. anyone had sim experiences after. fed up of having a pain in the *** !! literlerly. its effecting what i wear now.


  • I have replied to my own post as I found this and thought it might be useful to other ladies. Looks like at 7 weeks I am expecting too much ! and I should be looking at 6  MONTHS !!! FOR IT TO FEEL BETTER.... SIGH !


    Any surgery creates changes in our body that requires time to heal. The initial phase of healing occurs in the first six weeks when collagen is being deposited and created. Then from six weeks to six months the collagen remodels to its eventual final healed state. After a lumpectomy, we typically begin radiation therapy within a few weeks to months, therefore it occurs during the six-month time frame of healing. Radiation therapy stops fast dividing cells from dividing thereby halting the growth of any cancer cells. It also affects the normal cells of the breast as well. There are many changes that take place in the breast and every breast reacts differently. Breast size, fat content, ptosis (droopiness), skin type and density of the breast can all influence the final outcome. 

    The breast will often retain fluid after radiation therapy, and may experience increased swelling or a sense of fullness. (Women often report increase aching when a low-pressure weather system is rolling in!) Typically the radiated breast will not change in size with weight gain or loss, as the non-radiated breast will do. So the tenderness and the sharp pains are very normal and should not be a concern. If a lump is felt in the breast after radiation therapy it should be brought to the attention of the breast surgeon. 

  • Hi Suzie,

    I hope you dont mind me cntacting you as I can see your post was from 2016. I have had RT reaction. It went like a bruise 6cm all way around the nipple and red raw on nipple itself. Had 3 lots of antibiotics incase of infection. At last skin looks healed but left with pain on wobble and walk which is stopping me going for a walk! I also have lymphoedema in nipple caused by radiotherapy and lymphoedema in incision area from post op haematoma.  Had op early Marc now July and finished RT couple of months so very fed up having swelling, some heat and lots of pain when walking. 

    Hope you dont mind me asking but did you find anything else out about this RT damage and breast probs ost RT? Hope you got better and improved very fast.


  • Hello,,

    After a lumpectomy and I am 6 six weeks post RT,I was very very sore,,although the sores have now heeled, it's the nipple area that is tender, I am keeping it's moistured but feels hot ,,and some days makes me feel very down .

    I hope yours improved and you are feeling better, just wondered if you could give me any tips xx

  • Hi Pat,

    I have been experiencing similar symptoms to the ones you talked about in your letter regarding breast cancer treatment. Two months after radiotherapy my breast became swollen, hot and painful. I was given six courses of antibiotics to clear an infection and was told I still have inflammation in my breast. 
    Did your breast pain, swelling, etc get better?

    Kind regards,
