What I wish I'd known about mammoplasty and lumpectomy

I went into hospital for a scheduled lumpectomy and came home 4 days later with mammoplasty (breast reduction and reconstruction) as well. Although happy with outcome I wish I had been more prepared so this would be my wishlist.

1. Lip salve. After 5 hours of surgery my lip was blistered and numb where the pipe had rubbed against it. My throat was also very sore and soothing sweets would have been good.

2 . Stretchy t shirt bras. I didn't know I was getting a reduction so would not have had proper size but they must be snug and secure without seams. Having a wide band under your breasts is also good as it won't rub against the dressings as much. You may need many bras. I got an infection and leaked through 4 bras one after another and all over my bed too. It wasn't good and I didn't have enough suitable bras. 

3. I was given a lavendar microwaveable neck shrug. It is amazing. My body felt stitched together randomly when I came home. The heat felt great and allowed me to relax my shoulders. It was an absolute godsend. 

4. Pillows. You will be sleeping on your back. My lavendar scarf helped me to sleep the first night home from hospital. But lots of pillows, experiment.

5. Support. It's obvious but I felt exhaustion and weakness beyond anything I have ever known after surgery. I think this was down to the mammoplasty and the lymph node removal rather than the lumpectomy but I don't know. I thought it would be similar to having a c-section which I have had twice. It wasn't. It took 10 days for me to recover to about 50% mobility and function and I am still very tired, can't really bend down and not driving yet. My husband had to take extra time off because I couldn't cope.

This is based on my personal experience and other people might have found it easier. That said, I am delighted with the cosmetic outcome of my breasts. Right now fighting off the cancer is top priority but having the cancer removed and breasts not disfigured is a positive. 

Hope this helps other women in this situation. I felt very alone and vulnerable during this part of the process.