Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
How gorgeous are they, Brian?! A real old-fashioned cottage gardeny bunch.
Hazel x
Thanks Brian, lovely mixed bouquet and like MrsB always enjoy flowers, both giving and receiving. Here is a pic for Mrs B and any other owl lovers
Hi Hazel
Visit to Mum was quite good today. Although she was not 'offering' conversation she did look at my photos though could not quite get her head round the fact that they were on my phone!!!! They have also begun to top her food intake up by giving her Ensure in addition to her meals and she is drinking them and told me which flavours she prefers so that's a plus. Also met the new Home Manager properly for the first time and we had a nice chat about things in general and they have another 'relatives meeting' in June so will pop along to that . I left her to get ready for lunch and then she would have her hair done. I then spent a couple of hours with my daughter as had a couple of Sports Relief T-shirts to give to the boys (eldest involved in helping run a tuck shop for Sports Relief at school this week - he is 7 and on the school pupil's council).. Visited the gym en route home and by the time got back the decorator was just clearing up (hoovering) for today.
No one likes feeling or being sick (especially when you normally enjoy food!) and aches and pains however caused can be lowering at the best of times. Knowing we have the forum to offload on has the added bonus of knowing that people do understand (even if, in my case, it is only through watching a loved one). Hubby hated the nausea and the fact that the chemo altered his tastebuds and so even when he did eat nothing tasted like it should .........or maybe that was my cooking and he was too polite to tell me! Hope your day improved so that you can manage a little something nice. Hugs Jules x
That's good news about your mum, at least she is getting some nourishment from the Ensure and eating a bit. It's also nice to have a good chat about things with the management and staff, I know.
You must be so proud of your grandson being on the pupil's council and his tuck shop work, bless him. Maybe we'll see him and his school on the telly on Friday!
You say you only know through watching a loved one Jules, but the watching can often be worse than the having, at least we know how we are really feeling whereas the 'watcher' can only guess and ask and try their best to help and then cry in private. I have been on both sides, like many others on here, so I do know how it must have been for you. God bless, hugs back.
Hazel x
PS That owl is magnificent, what a whopper, wouldn't like to be a mouse or rabbit!
Hi jules that's good about your mum at least she's eating and at her age eating is really important to get sonething into her stomach. You Must be proud of your grandson like Hazel said. That's nice of him helping out the tuck shop. I'm sure he will get a reward for that. Yes your right no one likes being sick and it can be hard for both sides not just the dying one or the one going through cancer. My hubby couldn't eat my food the chemo was just wiped his taste buds out and his stomach just wasn't up for anything apart from water -Diane x
Hi Hazel
The owl (and her handler) were on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. An absolutely beautiful 'lady' and for a small donation to the association caring for owls I was able to have a feel of the soft feathers and then paid another small amount so that my daughter could have her photo taken with it. Brian's wife would have been in her element I am sure.
I think, like you, that anyone who has been touched closely by cancer shares some understanding of how others may be feeling and this forum has and is a great way to offer and /or receive support in many different ways. I owe it and the people who are my virtual buddies heaps of thanks and words can never say enough. Hugs for today and hope that little by little your symptoms soon become only something in the past. Will chat again soon but for now need to get my skates on and go off to work. Be kind to youself and take care. Jules x
Hi Diane,
Eldest grandson is currently trying hard to not eat the strawberry tarts which have been made to go into the tuck shop (think they will be raising money on Thursday). It is lovely the way the school involves the pupils by having a council with children from each year spending time discussing with the teachers how best to raise funds for a chosen project/charity. Of course his Mum had to do the baking and no shortcuts as all ingredients have to be listed so those buying them know what's in them.
Was planning on being at the hairdressors on Friday (whilst they fit new window) but have had a call to say my 'chap' is off sick ( he has been having family issues since his divorce and can go AWOL for weeks at a time so will have to make a new appointment or maybe find another hairdresser locally). Several in the local high street so will pop in tomorrow and see if I can get done this weekend if possible. Not the end of the world by any means, just a little frustrating.
How are you enjoying the new car?
Take care Jules x
Hi Jules,
I have had a very busy day. First thing I took a load of rubbish to the tip (lucilky they let me back out) Then I washed, cleaned and hooverd the car as it hasnt been done for a while. Then just before dinner I had a phone call from my son asking me to take him to hospital. It turns out after three trips to the local hospital he has broken his ankle, something he told them right from the start but was ignored. So spent most of the afternoon there and came back and took daughter in law to collect my youngest grandson from school and when I took him home rather than going out this evening made up his stories for him.
Came home and had tea and then my old internet provider finnally phoned me back chasing the last bill. I spent quite some time telling the manager of all the problems I have had and she reduced the bill by about 40%. I told her I was not prepared to pay any amount for a service they had not provided but she woulndt budge. However when I told her If she insisted on that I would be sending the company a bill of £80 for the time spent on the phone and for having to re-write all my e-mail address they had lost. Finally she gave in and has cancelled the bill. Victory at last. When I believe I am in the right, I can be very stubborn ha ha.
We have also had smart meters for gas and electric instaled on Monday after doing an early shop.
I am so pleased to read you had such a good time at the weekend. I am loving the photos you have posted as does Mrs B with regard to the owl. What a whooper. You certainly seemed to cram a lot in during your short stay. Pleased you had a good visit with your mother on Tuesday.
Take care, sending best wishes and kind thoughts your way, Brian.
Evening Jules, thanks for your post before you rushed off to work this morning! I'm still struggling a bit with the nausea, 'swear word' it, so hugs appreciated!
I see from your other posts that you had a fairly good day at work and the house was all tidy when you got home, that's a great bonus isn't it?
How lovely that you could stroke the owl, it's a real privilege to see such magnificent creatures up close, I bet you were really chuffed - I would have been! I love all your other photos from Edinburgh too, you've certainly given the new phone a good work out.
Hope grandson hasn't eaten the strawberry tarts, bless him - what a temptation!
What a nuisance about your hairdresser, when you have a regular one they know how you like it done - as you say, not the end of the world, but a nuisance nevertheless.
Enjoy your evening, Jules, only one more day of work!
Hazel x
Sorry to hear about your son, Brian, hope it's been sorted okay this time, it must have been so painful for him.
Well done re the internet provider, glad you held your ground. Yay, brilliant outcome!
Have a nice evening, both Mrs B and yourself, take care.
Hazel x