Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
I could never get a rid of biscuts and tinned food if you came into my house and tried to take them i would probbably throw my tin of somthing at you ha ha. Though I know it will make a difference and will make you feel better. Are you going to go to the inquest or are you thinking about it ?. I think you are less emotional just like you said all the time that has passed. Oh well it will be out of the way soon and then you can just forget about it -Diane x
Hi, Jules hope you had a good day at work.
I can imagine your feelings on receiving the letter about the inquest, brings everything to the front of your mind again, but as you say, hopefully all the official stuff will be finished after that and you can get on with life with hubby in your heart.
Maybe a bit of comfort eating wouldn't hurt for a few more days, eh? Treat yourself, then when you feel better about it you can start again.
Take care, Hazel x
Hi Diane
There were not many biscuits left at the bottom of my tin but I needed to take a firm hand and stop weight gain in it's tracks - will power has been hard to find these last few weeks so with temptation hopefully out of the way I can get myself sorted ha ha.
I am not required to attend the inquest so will not go. There is no issue as to what he died from, just where he contracted it 'for the records' and I really cannot help them with that. There seems little reason to attend and they will inform me of the outcome in due course. Just brings everything back
Thanks Hazel. It's strange you know these things have to come along eventually but as you say it's a reminder you could really do without. Still the ball is still rolling and I have let my children know so now the waiting begins again.
Will do my best to avoid the comfort food (not much indoors now anyway unless I pinch the grandchildrens' treats and I not a 'bad granny' ). Only a few pounds to lose but would like to lose them before heading to Edinburgh for the weekend with my daughter next month(so I can enjoy what's on offer foodwise) so there is a method in my madness.
Hope you doing okay. Jules x
I think no matter how long after your Husband has been gone you need to be prepared for anything coming through the letter box or that chap on the front door or even finding things so long after. I don't know for you's but my husband is the last thing i think about at night and the first thing when i wake up even after 4 years he still remains in the center of my mind. Though i think things happen in life for a reason so why were our husbands taken away from us too early we can't anwser that but there must be a reason am i right ?. Anyway hope you all having a good night and jules hope you had a good day at work -Diane x
Hi Diane
Yes, my hubby often in my thoughts and agree he was taken too young but many are taken even younger and that is far harder for those left behind. I remain grateful to have had him by my side for so many years and sadly because his cancer was apparently caused by contact with asbestos (his Dad bringing it home through his job in the building trade) there seems no right or wrong just misfortune that more was not known about the problems it would eventually cause. Research is the only way forward for so many.
Have had my healthy meal and settling down for a quiet evening. Take care Jules x
Look, you could pinch the kids' treats just for tonight, just a few biccies,eh? You can replace them tomorrow and then start to be good again! One night won't hurt, then you can get back on track for your trip to Edinburgh, which sounds lovely, wish I could come, I've always thought it looks a lovely city.
Also, I am glad you aren't going to the inquest, to be honest, Jules.
Hazel x
Edinbrugh is a lovely city hazel my son lives in edinbrugh so i often drive up there it only takes 20 minutes car ride i would say it's like any other city and the weather is bad right now so hopefully with jules coming up next month it will have settled down -Diane x
Hi Hazel,
Had my dinner and feeling okay without nibbles just now but will see how I go. Once the willpower kicks in I can cope more easily.
I am looking forward to looking round Edinburgh. Hubby and I toured Scotland many years ago but did not get there as we started on the West coast and came back through the middle. My daughter honeymooned self catering in Scotland but again did not visit Edinburgh so will be a thrill for us both as well as some quality time together just after Mother's Day (and I am sure some 'wicked' food will play it's part ha ha).
Take care Jules x
What I like about it Diane, is that it's right on the coast with such lovely views, and the castle, of course. Don't have much scenery where I am, unfortunately!
Hazel x