My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Oh Jules, what gorgeous photos.  The happy couple look just that, and the bride is beautiful!  So, of course is her new mum-in-law, in her lovely outfit  :-)  

    So pleased you all had a smashing time, it might take a few days for you to come down to earth, eh?

    Thanks for sharing, take care, Hazel xx


  • Good morning Jules.

    Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos with us. You looked very elegant and I am so pleased you all had a great time. Bet you enjoyed meeting up with relatives you hadnt seen for a while. 

    My sister in law is now home after having her new knee done last Thursday. All went well. Still waiting for a date to have that smartmetter removed so told them this morning, if I dont hear shorlty I will look for another supplier.

    Will chat more soon. Take care, sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian




  • Hi jules thanks so much in sharing u son special day with us the bride looked beautiful I love the dress :) u son looked so smart. The proud mum ( jules) u looked stunning . The venue looked lovely and the sun was shinning on u all :) thanks again take care :) x x 

  • Thanks Seabird, it has been a wonderful few days.  The happy couple are now on a 3 day honeymoon so hope they can relax and enjoy this quiet time.

    Hope you are managing okay. Take care.  Jules x

  • Thanks Sue, it has been a truly wonderful few days and know the happy couple have been overwhelmed by the love and affection they have been showered with bless them.  They will hopefully enjoy their few days break away before coming back to see all the official photographs.  I think they will be struggling to choose! (as will the rest of us).

    Now the next family event will be my daughter's new home move.  Certainly keeping me on the go!!

    However bought back to earth this morning as eldest grandson has a tummy bug (probably a bit too much of a good thing food wise over the last few days) and so will miss his return to school tomorrow.  Not a happy bunny!!

    Hope you had a good weekend and are keeping well yourself. Jules x 



  • Hi Hazel

    Thanks and yes I am still kind of floating through the days at the moment ha ha.  So many pictures to look at and still the official ones to be seen when the happy couple return from their flying visit to Scotland. Hubby would have been so, so proud (as am I) at how their plans came together (thankfully he at least saw their relationship grow).

    Today I have at least got back to usual routine with chores, gym and shopping but with a generous slice of wedding cake dropped of by my son yesterday afternoon (along with cheese (two cakes one traditional and one made up of cheeses which is my son's all over!!)), I am leaving the 'healthy eating' until next week now ha ha.

    Hope you had a good weekend and are keeping well.  Jules x

  • Thanks for your kind words Gemini.  It was a totally fantastic day from start to finish and as they say the beautiful sunrise was just the icing on the cake as they were able to have pictures inside and outside of the beautiful venue.  I am now blessed with a daughter in law  and have loved watch their relationship grow over the years.  I have also gained good friends in her parents who do not live far from me.  I am one very lucky lady. 

    Hope you are okay and that your Mum is  being kept as comfy as possible.  Jules x

  • Hi Jules,

    Great news regarding my son. The plaster cast hasnt needed replacing. He has now got an inflateable boot to wear. As he has been able to walk a certain amount on it recently, his circulation is returning and he has now got some movement back in his foot. He has to see his specialist again next month but at our local hoispital rather tham Brighton. He has been told if all goes well he may be able to go back to work in three to four weeks time. He may also be allowed to start driving again but if his company can change his car for an automatic which they have agreed to do, he can start driving straight away. So we are all over the moon with his good news. At last he can see light at the end of the proveerbial tunnel at last.

    Sister in law has had her operation for her new knee and allthough it is still alittle painful, its much better than before. She saaid she is sleeping ten times better and is eating well as well so another lot of good news.

    I have lost six pounds in the last few weeks so am pleased with myself.

    Hope your mother is still okay when you visited this morning and you have not had any more cold callers. I hope when you vist the butterfly place you are able to get some great photos. It was a nice morning for your walk allthough not very warm but has started raining now. .

    Sending best wishes and kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian.


  • Hi Brian

    So lovely to read all your good news about your son and sister in law. Bet you walking around with a wide grin. 

    Well done on your weight loss as I know how difficult it can be to achieve.  I did manage to lose a few pounds for the wedding and am aiming to keep them off (wearing the outfit again socially the weekend after next).  However having a bit of a naughty eats day today as had a friend round for afternoon tea and have plans for pancakes later!!

    Beautiful and sunny though chilly walk to see Mum.  She has had a recurrence of her bowel problems and had been in her room for the last couple of days and was not up when I arrived this morning.  However she asked if she could get up and have her hair washed (hairdresser in all day today) so I fetched a carer and they got her washed, dressed and downstairs so hopefully it will lift her spirits a little. Sadly her illness will run it's course and palliative care is at the ready as and when needed but I left her tucking into egg on toast bless her.  She is much less mobile now so they need to use the hoist to get her out of bed etc. I am just so very grateful that the caring staff show her great respect and do their utmost to keep her dignity intact which sometimes means that she stays in her room rather than being in the main lounge.  To be fair she does not care where she spends her time and they are keeping a close eye on things, calling in the nurses/doctor as and when necessary and keeping up to date.

    I managed a quick trip to the gym after visiting Mum before coming home and getting ready for my friend's visit.  She has just become a granny for the first time and also wanted to hear all about the wedding (her son and mine were at junior school together) so a very pleasant couple of hours.

    Back into work tomorrow so week seems to being moving quite quickly.

    Hope you and Mrs B are both keeping well, take care.  Jules

  • Jules, so sorry your mum has been a bit poorly, but it's good to know she still wants to get up, have her hair done and is eating, bless her.  

    Thanks for your photos of you walk the other day, great as usual.   Hope you enjoyed your pancakes, but you know it's now Lent so we must be very good until Easter (haha) 

    Had an ultrasound of my thyroid this afternoon, just a small nodule that they found right at the beginning of my ovarian probs so they are keeping an eye on it, so far so good, touch wood. (Didn't really fancy having a needle biopsy in my neck :-o so that was a relief!) 

    Take care, Hazel xx