Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Brian,
I think lots of us have been having a cleaning spree in the past few weeks. Having a new hoover to deal with your garage must make it much easier. I spent a couple of hours clearing some 'old stuff' out of the loft room so the curb recycling will have a couple of extra bags this week ha ha. Sounds as though you will have to invest in your own 'boiling cauldron' to soak your timber in, Maybe now the DIY shops are re-opening you will be able to find something suitable or maybe another online bargain to be searched for.
How nice that you and Mrs B were able to enjoy another drive out. Shame about the momentary downpour but wish we had some here. Saw about three spots and some high winds but now back to calmer and hot weather. Lovely surprise visitor to the garden during the late morning today. Stopped for a drink and then disappeared over the fence.
This was the best I could do as had just finished an online exercise class so grabbed a quick shot with th e camera.
Caught up with my son and family via a Zoom face meeting on Saturday and met a friend for a socially distanced walk on Sunday. Socially distanced coffee in friend's front garden is the plan for tomorrow so my diary at last has a few things in it. A slow easing to the lockdown brings it's rewards.
Hope you and Mrs B are keeping well. Stay safe. Jules
Good morning Jules
And another lovely one at that. Bet you walking shoes are getting a lot of use these days. I dont remember when we have had such a sustaind period of nice weather. Not That I am complaining mind you.
I talk to my son most days checking we are both okay. And I phone my sister quite often too. I have bought a gadget that converts cassette tapes into MP3 so I can put them on my laptop so have been busy doing this.
Havent done any turning for a few days as I have cateracts forming in both eyes and I had trouble seeing fine detail like if I had left any sanding marks on the timber unless I take it off the lathe and put it in daylight. My worklight is not very good so I have ordered another light which I hope will help.
I dont know If you have found the same but since this lockdown started, I have heard more birds singing than I have for a long while. Often I just sit here enjoying thier singing.
The only downside to this dry spell is I have to water the plants we are growing in the plant pots as they do dry out very quickly. My Water Butt is now empty so having to use water from the tap.
Hope you and your family continue to stay safe. Sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian
Hi Brian,
Where did May go!! Well my trainers are definitely going to need replacing although I do own several pairs so okay for the time being. Most days managing 3-6 miles but the warm weather means I try and get out by 7.30 a.m. and back home by 9.30.
Both my parents had cateracts and eventually had to have the op to sort them out. My Mum's eyesight was then good up until her passing. As for Dad when he reached his early eighties he was diagnosied with macular degeneration and had to use an electronic magnifer for all written/reading activities before his eyesight got too bad. He really missed doing his large jigsaws bless him. Hope the benefit of the extra light will make things easier for you as it must be very frustrating not being able to see as well as you would like.
The dawn chorus appears a lot louder at 4 a.m. and with the young fledglings (starlings and sparrows) in my now rather tall hawthorn I am 'rudely awakened' most mornings ha ha.
Like you I have a couple of planters that I need to water and the grass is already turning brown. Cannot remember the last time we had a decent drop of rain but thankfully the shrubs seems to cope well and the roses are looking very good. I am not planting any annuals at all this year and have yet to visit the garden centre as do not see it as essential shopping yet! All bird feed coming via mail order for now and the robin still popping inside whenever I am in with the door open. Quite happy to feed outside until he sees me moving about then he sits outside the window giving me a long hard look!!
So far so good as far as me and the family are concerned. The eldest two grandchildren return to school today but the younger two are still at home as my son and daughter in law continue to work from home so nursery not required. Difficult to explain social distancing to a 4 and nearly 2 year old! My grand-daughter had her 4th birthday tea behind closed doors but enjoyed a dip in the new paddling pool and still had cake...most important.
Big step for me tomorrow as I go on public transport for the first time since lockdown began. Have my face covering ready as requested and will travel outside of rush hour. Thankfully only a ten minute tube trip into town to keep an appointment.
Did my supermarket shop today and it was very calm and orderly so think finally the message has hit home that this is going to be the new normal. Mind you no queue to get in and not that many in the store so for a change did not feel like I had to rush around.
Take care of each other and stay safe and well. Jules
Good morning Jules.
Hope your tube ride went okay. We returned to shopping at Tesco yesterday and allthough we had to stand in line for a while it was not too bad. Mrs B stocked up on things she is only able to get at Tesco.
Our garden is looking quite nice, When Mrs B buys any spray carnations she takes off any side shoots and plants them. She must have green fingers as we now have more canations than ever before and they are all strarting to bloom.
So that our club members dont forget us, I am now sending out a mini newsletter which coincides with the date of our meetings each month. Our members have been sending in articles and photos that I can use so its a two way thing.
My three plant troughs arrived and yesterday I filled them up with soil and planted some more garden peas and radishes. We do badley need some rain as the ground is very hard. My son has a big crack in his back garden. He wanted to see how deep it was so he took a six foot cane and pushed into the crack; he only had about a foot left He was very surprised it was that deep. I asked him if he had had an earth quake ha ha.
Have Got to got out along the road to get Mrs B prescription shortly Then when I return I have to decide what to do for the rest of the day.
Anyway take care of yourself, sending kind thoughts your way, Brian
Hi Brian,
Thank you, the underground journey was absolutely fine, wore my mask though with only three people on board social distancing was easy. Have now no need to return to the workplace as all sorted out and everything handed back. A weight off my mind and the end of an era. Afterwards met up with a friend and we went on a lovely 5 mile stroll. Going to see her for another walk next week weather permitting. Have had a busy week with visit to the garden centre, lots of gardening and an alfresco lunch with friends in the garden. Today has been more showery but still managed to do some planting/tidying/dead-heading. Not sure yet what tomorrow will bring but plenty to keep me occupied here.
With the slight relaxation for single person households yesterday I am finally going to be able to see my son and family (staying overnight too) and give the youngest two grandchildren catch up cuddles so really looking forward to that. Last time I saw my daughter in law and the children was 8th March. Not often that being being on your own becomes a great advantage. The other grandparents are going to have to wait a bit longer but I am taking their 'hugs' with me to pass on along with those from my daughter and family.
I bet your son is glad to have had some rain (assuming the weather the same there) so that his crack can start to heal. Mine never got quite that bad but the ground was definitely hard to work over. I had some compost delivered and have been working it in as I do the planting so hoping that will help.
Hope you and Mrs B are keeping okay and managing as best you can. It seems strange that I should have been going on holiday next week but now still have it to look forward to.
Take care and stay safe. Jules
Hi Brian,
Just dropping a quick line to say hope all is well with you and Mrs B. I have been busy in the garden which is coming along nicely and even raised some flowers from seed and made a lockdown wildlife pond (using a washing up bowl) as a little 'interest' addition to the wildlife bed at the back end of the garden. So far just hoverfly larvae but its a start ha ha. The only thing I had to buy for it was some oxygenating plant so not bad for a fiver!! Seems I cannot attach a picture at this time so will leave it to your imagination!
Take care. Jules
Hi Jules
Thanks for the kind thoughts. We are both fine but glad the hot weather has gone. Last Wednesday I took Mrs B shopping and while I was waiting outside the store I came over all hot and giddy. i told Mrs B I was going to go back to the car to have a sit down but I only got as far as the front of the store. I felt like I was going to pass out so I sat down on one of the seats at the front of the store. One of the staff said hello and asked if I was okay and ended up calling first aid who called an ambulance, I spent all day at the hospital. Mrs B had to phone our son to go and pick her up and take her home. The hospital ran all sorst of tests on me but didnt find anything wrong, Eventually I was allowed home about 8.00 in the evening. My son came and picked me up and I asked hm to take me to the shop so I could pick up my car as I felt back to normal . Id had about 3 ltrs of fluod pumped into me during the day as they said I was very de-hydrated so I told them if they has seen how much I was sweating at the store, it would explain a lot to them all my clothes were sticking to me ,it was just like I had been thrown into a hot bath. Dont want to go through that again.
Can only praise the service I recieved from the staff at the hospital who were excellent. I have kept out of the heat since then as I dont want to go through that again
Today the garden has recived its first good rain for a while and it sure needed it. Saves me going out with the watering can ha ha. We have managed to get our first on-line shopping order since lock-down began and have put another order in for next week.
Anyway take care and will talk again soon. Kind thoughts from Brian
Hi Brian,
Sorry to hear of your giddy turn in the last spell of hot weather. Certainly by the sound of the amount of fluids you were given, dehydration would probably have been the major cause. My daughter has been affected by giddy turns since the age of 15 and it is highlighted further when she does not drink enough water. Her consultant did diagnose a 'fainting illness' (forget the name!!) and stressed the need for her to drink plenty and carry ginger to eat as this brings up the blood pressure when you have that whoozy feeling. In your case probably a one off but very unpleasant when it happens.
As you can imagine I had to curtail the length of my walks during the hot weather but never go out without the bottle of water as up until now could not stop for liquid refreshment!! On the whole I am managing a decent 3/5 mile walk again now though dodging the showers this week has meant more indoor walking sessions via You Tube ha ha.
Have taken the opportunity of the rain to dig over another area of the garden and having sown some seeds during lockdown have now moved these to their, hopefully, flowering site. Nasturtians, Mallow and sweet peas all being well.
My daughter and family came down for a few hours of socially distanced chat last weekend which was uplifting and have been seeing my son and family as part of their support bubble for the last three weeks. Good to be back in touch with people outside my house haha.
Take care, stay safe and sending virtual hugs to you both. Jules
Hi Jukles,
Sorry I have not been on site for a while. Hope you and your family have been keeping well and bet you have been doing plenty of walking. Bet you have spant some time in your garden as well
I have been keeping very busy with lots of little things. Have been eating the peas I have grown in the garden as I prefer to eat them straight from the pod rather than having them cooked. Must admit, the ones I have grown are the tastiest peas I have ever eaten. Have bought 3 more window type troughss and have planted more peas in them. These have been the first oeas I have ever grown and has been worthwhile
I spoke to my sister in Canada last weekend and they have had a heck of a lot of rain and lots of places have been flooded. I told her we have had a very dry spell and asked if she could send some of it over here to save me keep watering the garden ha ha.
Mrs B has more sray carnetions out than ever before and has lots of differnt colours. She has done so well with them this year. Just had some more seeds arrive acouple of days ago including some in seed tapes.
We have for the past few weeks been able at last to get our shopping done on-line as more spaces become avaiable. Musch easier althouh Mrs B has to guess what she will want two weeks in advance. They have also now started putting in the new road opposite our road and suspect it wont be long before they start building all the new houses. It is going to mean a lot more trafic will be using our road.
This week I have cut our hedge and I had left a bit too long. Had four large bage of trimmings which we took down the tip now it is open. Today I have done the back lawn but our neighbour hhhhhhas kindly done our front one for us. I have a telephone appointment with my doctor on Monday morning about my eyes as my cateracts have definately got worse during the lock down. Cant see the detail when I am turning these days so have left it alone for a while.
Anyway take care and I am sending kind thoughts as usual, Brian
Hi Brian,
Glad, like me, you are managing to keep busy. It has really helped during these strange times. Still things are beginning to ease a bit and am seeing a few more people when out and about. Our Farmers' markets are now back up and running so good to get back there too. Still enjoying my walking but took a tumble on Saturday and whilst my hands saved my face from hitting the tarmac I have been a bit sore for the last couple of days.
It is good that you are enjoying your home grown peas. My nan always used to grow them and I can remember sitting on her back doorstep when we visited and shelling them! A friend of mine gave me a few tomato plants and they are doing okay so who knows I maybe doing some pick your own eventually ha ha. I spent a weekend with my daughter and family and they have two adjoining allotments and we harvested rhubarb, potatoes, garlic, onions and radishes. I was delighted to bring home some rhubarb and enjoyed it with my breakfast for several mornings. I am due back to see them in the middle of next month and then my daughter and the boys are coming to stay for five days as their 'holiday' this year.
I am seeing my son and family on Friday as it will be my youngest grandson's 2nd birthday. We were unable to get together for his sister's birthday in May due to the lockdown so it will be good to give them some more fun time. Hope the weather stays as lovely as it has been the last couple of days.
I think a lot of the flowers in the garden have done very well this year. My buddleia bushes are more like mini trees at the moment and full of blooms so seeing plenty of butterflies and bees. I also have a bees nest just outside my back door so a constant buzz. The birds have also it seems produced more young this year and are emptying the seeds and fat balls at an alarming rate. Thank goodness for online deliveries for their supplies!! An added visitor over the past couple of months has been a fox which cheekily looks through the patio doors at me most evenings, My neighbour has had them playing on his artificial lawn (he thinks it is a vixen plus one cub). Would just be lovely to see a hedgehog once again but has been over 3 years since I last saw one in my garden.
Stay well and safe and best regards to you, Mrs B and the family. Jules