My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Jules,

    Thanks for the photos. Great reflections on the first one

    Have got to have a tooth out on Tuesday ready for the new plate I am having made. The one I have at the moment is quite old and doesnt realy fit that well anymore. In a week or two's time I have got to have a couple more out and then they can fit my new plate.

    I have been busy with my stories yet again and started another new one a couple of days ago. I have just bought a small microphone you can clip on your lapel and allthough it didnt cost much, it works better than the one I have on my headset and so far seem to be getting less corrections to do.  

    My granddaughter has had very high marks for an essay she did over Christmas re the university so we are very proud of her. We have primroses out in our garden allready which has pleased Mrs B.

    Very dark and overcast here this morning so have had to [ut the light on to write this.  Hope you enjoy your walk today. Best wishes to you and your family Brian

  • Hi Brian,

    All the best with the 'teeth pulling'.  Not pleasant but the end results will be worthwhile I am sure. It has been a few years since I went through the same procedure but was great to have a good fit at the end of it all. Have since had a re-lining done but no doubt will be going along this road again in the future!!

    Love the clear sunny days when you can get a good reflection but the last few days have been dull and pretty miserable and not the kind of walking weather I prefer.

    Congratulations to your grand-daughter; she has obviously inherited some writing genes and not at all surprised that you are both so proud as I am sure her parents are too.  Glad the new microphone is helping with your own writings too.

    I spent an hour doing the Big Garden Birdwatch on Saturday............all the usual suspects turned up apart from the blue *** and goldfinches (showed their faces later in the day!!).

    Popped to the shops today and on a whim decided to go to the cinema whilst there.  Saw ther Personal History of David Copperfield...............light-hearted and easy watching. Tomorrow hoping for better walking weather after I have my gym session. Still trying to dis-lodge the new year food excesses ha ha.

    Have a pleasant week and best regards to Mrs B and the family also.




  • Good morning Jules.

    I spent 4 hours trying to repair our old display board for the wood club but all the glued joints had broken apart and the dowels had also broken. Although I managed to mend it it doesnt look very nice so I looked on the internet and found ally display boards. I found one which would be ideal for our use and it was just under £70  so I e-mailed the details to our commyyee and they all came back and told me to order it. It is coming from Belguim and even though i didnt order it until last night, it has allready been posted free of charge. Allthought it has the same square area as the other board it folds up to 3' by 2' and comes with a canvas carry bag. The other board was 4' by 3' and very heavy so  I am looking forward to setting this new board uo with all our clubs photos. Originally we only used to use the old board once a year but since I have taken on the role of promiting our with with a view to getting new members, it will be used at least 5 times this year so should pay for itself quite quickly.

    Bright and sunny here today but very chilly. Doesnt look like it will be the sort of weather for walking in at the weekend with that storm coming in. Did you see the sunset last night it was beautiful and I managed to get a couple of photos (Attached).

    Have downloaded a book that shows how to self publish on Kindle and I then foind some videos on you tube which showed it even better. The problem is quite a few of my books dont seem to come under any particulr heading apart from fiction.  So am a bit confused as to what to do?????

    Mrs B has come up with an idea for a story and I thought it was a good one and am allreadt on page 15. 

    Take care  especially at the weekend. Sending kind thoughts to you and you family, Brian


  • Hi Jules 

    Forgot to attach the photos so here they are

    Kind regards, Brian[[ ]]


  • Hi Brian,

    Beautiful here so just back indoors after a busy morning; I can play catch up over lunch!

    The soon to be had new display board sounds a brilliant replacement and much needed lighter transportation too. Hope you do not have to wait too long now before you starting getting value for the money outlayed.

    The sunset looked fabulous in your picture though I did not catch it myself.  Where I sit indoors I have a better view of the sunrise!!

    I was going out with my son and the grandchildren this afternoon but following a fretful night (youngest is teething bless him) this has been cancelled so I might find myself pottering in the garden later.

    Hope you and Mrs B/family and all keeping okay.  Jules

  • Hi again Brian,

    Hope the stormy weather did not cause you any problems.  It was so windy yesterday that I did not go out at all but had my long walk on Saturday instead.  Covered over four miles doing circular walks around three lakes (about an hour away on the underground).  One of the lakes is a nature reserve so somewhat muddy but very peaceful and enjoyed sitting in one of the hides watching some of birds feeding.

    As I missed the gym yesterday have been this morning and picked up a few bits from the shops as well as posting my daughter's birthday card for Friday.  Am going for a visit on Saturday and they have booked a meal out for us all so will look forward to that.  Hubby and I used to eat out quite regularly and it is something I miss doing in the evening.

    Stay safe.  Was dry and calm here this morning but now raining again so pleased that I nipped into the garden earlier and cleared up a bit.  Take care and best regards to you and MRs B.  Jules

  • Hi Jules,

    Nice and sunny here today but quite chilly. Have had the new display board delivered and have transfered all the old photos off. I still had a 3'x 2' board spare so have been able to add another 7 photos to our display. I ran out of laminating pouches so when I went to the dentist, I bought some more.  I had to print out and laminate a new header as the old one was way to big. It is so light to carry and easy to assemble. Going to make my job a lot easier.  Will print and laminate some more A4 colour photos so we can change the display from time to time

    Had the other tooth out yesterday and will have my new plate ready in about two weeks time. Looking forward to that. Be nice to see i have top teeth again ha ha. 

    Have ordered a small solar powered light for our porch.  

    Looks like you may miss your walk again this weekend with the arrival of storm Denice.

    Sending best wishes to you and your family, Brian

  • Hi Brian,

    Glad that the dental work is under way and you will soon be back to your smiley self.  I did hate that in-between time when I had mine 'updated'.

    It sounds as though the new display board is a brilliant replacement and so much easier for you to manage too.

    My daughters' birthday today so had a nice chat and Storm Dennis permitting I am travelling tomorrow to spend some time with the family.  As to my weekend walk it may have to wait till Monday though as the dog is booked in for his planned op we will be housebound with him for a day or two anyway.  My grandsons have been getting the board games ready for us!! Needless to say have tried to secure as much as possible in the garden but thankfully the last storm (which was supposed to be worse) caused little damage locally other than a few small branches lost.

    Have a pleasant weekend with Mrs B and stay safe.  Jules

  • Hi Jules,

    I do hope you have not been washed away with all this rain. Those poor devils that keep getting flooded; I really feel for them.  Bet you have had some wet journeys over the past few weeks. 

    Have spent the last couple of days re-organising my wood club photos that I have taken over the years. Over time they have been put in differnt folders so I decided it was about time I brought them alltogether in one dedicated folder with sub folders on my laptop. I have also installed photoshop so have been playing with this. I have replaced the background with black on a lot of them and they do look better for it. I have done this so I can use them in my slideshows. I have a lot to learn about using photoshop. My youngest grandson is learning this at school so if I get stuck I may have to ask him ha ha. He is becoming like his father; a very good photographer.

    Talking about good photographers, you photos continue to delight me. You have taken some shots recently a profesional photographer would be proud of and I am not joking; I really mean it Jules. 

    Our gardem has been flooded several times recently. But we have been very lucky. My srories have had to take a back seat for the moment. Several of our committe members have e-mailed me after I sent them ohotos of the new display board. Everyone seemed very pleased and thanked me  for the work I did on it and for taking the time I spent on it. 

    Someone else is organising our shows this year so I have one job less to do. We have out four normal shows plus I have another two which I want to do to promote our club so the new stand will be used quite a lot. 

    Take care and sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian.



  • Hi Brian

    Thanks so much for your kind words about my photography. It is a hobby that gives me enjoyment whilst out and about and which brings focus to where I am or plan to go. Never taken that seriously as I just snap what I like looking at. This is part of the 'new me' as before hubby's death the only photos I took were when on family holidays in the main part.  However, my late Dad loved photography and my son now has a deep interest in wildlife photography and his own website so perhaps it is in the genes haha.  Sadly the weather recently has curtailed my long walks.  Will be very happy to see the back of such wet and windy days.

    How lovely that you are still learning as regards your computer software and now adding photoshop to your list of accomplishments in the making. I am sure your grandson will be delighted to share his knowledge as he learns along the way too and you will have a common interest in the photography.  I know my son uses it to 'tidy up' his work but what you see of mine is 'as is' apart from the occasional 'cropping'.

    With the weather not being great for long strolls I went to the theatre yesterday for a change and saw a great production of The Wedding Singer starting Kevin Clifton (Strictly professional dancer). As it is still raining and very windy here this morning I think my only real exercise will be at the gym so had better get myself motivated and out of the armchair.

    Have a pleasant week with Mrs B and hope you are both keeping well.  Jules