My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Jules,

    Just a quick update on Mrs B. I saw her doctor yesterday and they have told her they have found a bug. They dont seem to want to tell us which one it is but have just said it is a very seroius one. Hence all the antibiotics.  She is still feeling okay and has no pain. They are doing more tests on Monday so I hope things improve rapidly. They moved her to another ward yesterday and this staff nurse seems much more on the ball. I stay with her from 3.00pm until nearly 8.00pm. The chair is not that comfortable so have to get up and walk about every now and then. My left knee has been very painfull the last couple of days. My knee is better than any barometer ha ha. She is in a little side room. 

    Take care and stay dry, Brian

  • Hi Brian

    So sorry for sluggish reply but laptop issues have been somewhat frustrating. Spent an hour at retailers today and so far so good as they appear to have dislodged the gremlins!!

    So sorry for Mrs B being laid up by the 'unnamed bug' but whatever it is really hope the antibiotics clear it up fast and she is in the best place until sorted.  Hospital visitors chairs are never very comfy at the best of times and can understand your aches and pains.  Have everything crossed that you will soon both be back home and feeling much  better.

    More virtual hugs sent to you and keeping you in my thoughts at this challenging time.



    P.S.  Do not wear yourself out with all the chores as you are still recovering too !


  • Hi Jules,

    Thanks for the kind words.

    I had the washing machien switched on before 7.00 this morning. Have got to get some more cheese as the last lot was all mouldy, Also have to visit the bank later and will do the ironing later today.

    I am visiting Mrs B from 3.00 to 8.00pm They moved her from her side room yesterday morning and then last night just before I left they moved her back to the ward where she was originaly. Good job I have a good memory otherwise I might have trouble finding her ha ha. Her sugar levels are all over the place going from one extreme to the other and last night just before I left she went low and had to ask for a drink with some sugar in it. She is in good spirits still but says she looks forward to me visisting So far have remembered all sha has asked me to take in. Yesterday as her short term memory isnt that good, I went out and bought her three little note books and some pens. Just dont know where the time is going.

    Very thick cloud here this morning and raining

    Take care and thanks for caring, Brian

  • Hi Brian,

    I expect keeping yourself busy in the morning is a way of coping with Mrs B's absense and would cey.rtainly feel like time is flying by.  She will be well impressed by your housework skills by the time she comes home but then think you share duties normally too.  Good to know that she is managing all the upheavel with good spirits and hopefully the diabetic levels will sort themselves out once the current infection is under control.  Mum always used to say that readings were erratic when other stuff was going on healthwise.  Hope you will see some improvement as her treatment continues.

    Blustery winds seem to have died down here but the rain still chucking it down so definitely a wet walk to the shops and gym today.  The garden looks great though the grass is too long......not much I can do about that with the ground so soggy.

    With, dare I say it, the computer behaving itself now am beginning to feel more at home with the new layout .

    Mouldy cheese not good especially when you have a limited diet options.  Bet there will soon be a nice big chunk to enjoy again.  Cheese is definitely loved in our family too and usually have several varieties on the go.  However today our gym is starting a voluntary 10 weeks challenge with a donation to charity by way of entry so cheese rationing will apply:D.  Have signed up and hope this will get my focus back and my eating habits under control again (need to cut snacks and/or make them healthy rather than comforting haha).  The added bonus should be the loss of those few 'naughty pounds' that make all the difference when you put your clothes on!!

    Take care of yourself whilst the hospital is caring for Mrs B.  Jules

  • Hi Jules

    Just a quick post to let you know Mrs B came home yesterday evening HOORAY. She is tired but otherwise okay and glad to be home. The nursing staff have been absolutely brilliant. I am having trouble stopping her doing things Have threatened I will tie her to her chair ha ha.  

    I have to take her to see an later oncologist today

    Will post more when things have quietened down

    Take care and have a great weekend, Brian

  • Hi Jules,

    It was good news when we saw the oncologist. He told her there is a 92% chance the cancer will not return and that she doesnt need radiotherapy. He is going to give her a tablet form of hormone therapy.  It may give her hot flushes but little other side effects. She is very pleased about not having to have radiotherapy. and so am I.

    I think water has got into my phone line as I have no phone at the moment allthough my internet is still working. They are working on it so hope it will be resolved as soon as possible.

    We had to go to Brighton to see the oncologist and the wind nearly blew us both off our feet. I have never been out in winds so strong. So glad to get back in the car ha ha. 

    I hope you have a good weekend as the weather is looking better. I hope so as my knees has been verey painfull the past few day and has made walking difficult for me.

    Take care, Brian


  • Hi Brian, 

    Was lovely to return from my weekend to find good news about Mrs B both regarding her homecoming and the update from the oncologist.  It would appear that you could be comparing notes as far as hot flushes are concerned but I think a small price to pay for a good recovery.

    The miserable weather/blustery winds  continued in Milton Keynes until Friday night and it was a very wet school run for us and the dog of course.  Changes of clothes done we had an evening of catching up and sunshine greeted us on Saturday.  With plans slightly changed as my son and family were unable to make it after all due to their youngest suffering with sickness, we had a 'party lunch' with Zack (he turned 6 last week) and then went for a long walk in the afternoon.   Today I spent time playing games with him whilst my daughter took the puppy to his training session (my son in law and eldest grandson taking part in regional finals at their remote racing car club all day).  We then had lunch together, did a bit of shopping before I was dropped off at the station to make the journey home.  A lovely weekend.

    Hope they were able to sort out your phone line and now all is well again.  Technology when it goes wrong such a pain in the butt!!  My computer is now okay though my internet is slow (lines run through trees so not ideal and may well be looking to upgrade to fibre broadband when I am next due to switch!!). In the meantime I feel like I have gone back to dial up ha ha).

    Hope you and Mrs B have a good week and that you manage to control her urge to do everything without resorting to tying her down!!  Take care, both of you.  Jules

  • Hi Jules

    Mrs B has let me do a lot of what she would normally do, and is insisting on building up gradually. We are both very independant people so I know it has been hard for her but I have let her supervise me and I think i have have passed quality inspection ha ha. The wound finnally seems to have dried up thank goodness. She is getting a bit more of her energy back each day. 

    Have finnally got my new ink tank printer which has enough ink supplied for 44 cartriges. The printing costs are about 90% less than a normal printer although the cost of the printer is dearer. So will have to find time to set it all up and try it out. Should be just right for printing out my books Just not enough hours in the day at the moment. . 

    Take care my good friends, Brian

  • Hi Brian, Good to know that, even though it must be frustrating, Mrs B is pacing herself and playing at supervisor as she continues to recover. It is always difficult when you have to 'give up the reins' no matter how temporary that may be but, of course, for the best in the longer term. Glad you have another new toy to play with and not sure where you find the time to fit everything in. Hopefully it will not be too long before you turn your hand to 'self publishing/printing' your own writings. At the moment I am still not a fan of Windows 10, the new computer layout but know I have no choice but to soldier on. Having said that my Wifi is very slow too which does not help with my patience ha ha. Rain and wind has a detrimental effect so maybe time to consider upgrade at my next switch (something I will get my daughter to help with as I get tongue-tied when trying to do deals over the phone!! - lack of confidence in the subject matter does not help!!). Had a day in London with a friend yesterday and managed to fit in quite a bit of walking as well as visiting our main purpose - Secret Rivers exhibition at the Museum of London Docklands. Thankfully it stayed dry all day. Have a pleasant week and know you will continue to take care of each other. Best regards. Jules
  • Hi all,

    Firstly, Brian I hope you and Mrs B are managing okay and send my virtual hugs your way for a peaceful week.

    Not quite sure how to start this next bit but feel the need to air my thoughts.

    I know it is a bit early to be talking Christmas but this year, for the first time since hubby's death, I am 'playing host' and there will be 9 of us. I felt the need to make this my turn as have been kindly invited by family and their inlaws each year since hubby passed. Part of me just wishes I could be on my own with none of the stress that cooking brings but for the most part I just want the children/grandchildren to enjoy the festive period.  We have always loved this time of year as it is about spending quality time with family and we all budget accordingly to keep it sensible.  With Mum having passed away in July it feels strange too, not having to shop for her and on her behalf though I am still in the throws of settling her Estate...........plenty of paperwork!!

    To be honest I miss hubby every day but doing Christmas at home is not something I have faced and it will be 5 years in January since he died. As a family we talk about him naturally but not all the time but at Christmas there is this 'missing link' and am finding myself feeling more emotional just thinking about it being too much for us all.  He always loved this time of year and am sure he hung on to have that one last Christmas with all the family(spent at our son's and with him unable to eat the meal but still sitting at the table and trying (heartbreaking in itself) to be lighthearted and normal!!) An evertlasting memory is, however, him having the lions share of the tin of 'Heroes' as it was passed up and down the sofa whilst we watched tv films and he gave his painkillers a miss to enjoy a couple of whiskies).  I can still 'see him' in my memories standing carving the turkey in his Mr Holly shirt over the years. I suppose I am just not sure how we will all cope emotionally with it being here as I so much want to give the grandchildren good memories (the youngest two were born after hubby's death so just know him through photos).

    All my other emotional struggles have somehow been overcome as I reached them but am finding my anxiety levels are increasing the nearer the time gets.  Well that at least gets it down on paper. I would add that my children and I give each other mutual support and they even 'questioned' if I was ready bless them. I suppose I just need to be able to do this.

    Thanks for reading my ramble. Jules