My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Brian

    Hope you get your garage vacuum cleaner up and running again and are able to spend some time out there too. Have been up since 'silly o'clock' due to very high winds but it is now light and so far no damage seen.  I am supposed to be having new fence panels put in today so will see if they are still able to do it!!  Due by 8.30 or no doubt a phone call.  It means I will have to delay visit to see Mum this morning but there is a resident/relatives meeting this evening so hopefully will get down to that and can pop and see Mum whilst there.At least the staff can tell her I have been if she sleeps through the visit again.  Bless her she really is not interested any more anyway and shows no pleasure at being able 'to wake up'. So hard for her to be living this way and being totally dependent on having everything done for her. We tried to get her to have a radio or tv but to no avail.

    Glad your book has gone well and your hobbies certainly keep you busy.  I am reading at the moment and finished a book last week.  Am now reading a Lee Child thriller which my sister in law left me when she went home. I am not sure I will ever be the avid reader as before as more restless these days and not good at concentrating on one thing for too long but am grateful that am enjoying the pastime in between other things. Whilst the weather lasts am much happier outside walking whilst I can.

    Have a pleasant day/week ahead and regards to you both and the family.  Jules

  • Good morning Jules, 

    Hope you got your fence panel fitted yesterday. Something to make you laugh now. When I worked at the timber yard, we used to sell fence panels. I have have had many occaisions where i have had to deliver them in strong winds. On one occasion though, a strong gust of wing lifted me and a 6x6 foot fence panel off my feet and blew me across someones drive. The woman was at first concerned but then burst out laughing. It must have looked funny.

    I have also just started another book where a mans wife and two daughter get killed because they testified in court after witnessing a gangland killing. The police have no evidence to say who killed them so he goes after the gang on his own.

    Our granddaughter was very pleased with her cookery book. Her bedroom looks like a library she has so many books and will have to get more once she starts at Uni. She is so determined to become an established authour. She spends any spare time writing and she has done so well. Just know she is going to ake it. 

    Another few weeks and the chestnuts should be in the shops. Looking forward to that.

    Strong winds here at present but no rain yet. Just along the road when I went to get my prescription from the chemist, a huge part of a willow tree had come down yesterday and was completely blocking the pavement  Years ago someone gave me some willow branches. A few months later I wondered what was happening. Those branches had grown small branches which were covered in leaves. Thought I had  trees growing in my garage. The timber was no use as it had split to blazes. 

    Bet you are pleased to be back to normal, something I never will be according to Mrs B ha ha.

    Take care, Brian


  • Hi Brian,

    I am very happy to say that the guys came and the new fencing was in place and job finished in no time at all.  So much more secure now especially with concrete footings and posts It also hides the back view of my neighbours worse for wear shed .  What a delight to have no banging panels during the latest high winds and at last a bit of rain on the garden. Thankfully a beautiful start today so once the shopping is done hopefully can get out to do some digging over of the flower beds ready to be home to the bulbs when they arrive from the Netherlands. In the meantime the washing should dry in no time at all.  Your tale of the timber yard made me chuckle.

    Your latest book sounds exciting.I love a good thriller!  Do you plan to get into 'print' so 'joe public' canenjoy  them?  It sounds as though your granddaughter is following in your footsteps and bet she will have a lovely time away at university increasing her life skills as well as on her course.  Fingers crossed she makes friendships that last and last.  My son still has get togethers a couple of times a year with some of his university buddies as well as having a couple who we all still see at family occasions. 

    It is certainly nice to be back to my usual hours.  Very busy nonetheless and as usual the coming weeks see the start of Christmas changes.  Cannot believe this will be my 20th season in this job!!

    Have my daughter and family arriving tomorrow afternoon for an 'overnighter'.  I will be keeping an eye on the boyrs Saturday evening as  their parents have a 40th birthday party to look forward to. A Sunday morning catch up before they head back home. Following my eldest grandson's playground fall last week  (tripped over his own feet!!) the hospital were finally able to examine his suspected broken nose yesterday (too swollen until then) and the good news is that they are 'pretty sure' it is not broken.  If he experiences any problems they are to take him back of course and a couple more weeks of no rugby to be on the safe side.

    Hope you and Mrs B have a pleasant weekend and that all the family keep well.  Jules

  • Hi Jules,

    Glad you got your new fence panel fitted before the storm. Hope you bulbs arrive soon so you can get then planted before the weather turns. What type of bulbs have you ordered? Your mention of Christmas reminds me that several of our local shops are starting to get Christmasy items in allready. Dont know where this year has gone. Bet your gardsons will love visiting you and I bet you will love having them tooha ha.. Hope your grandson is recovering well from his fall.

    I have mended my garage hoover again; the tag that held the wire on the the brush holder had broken off so have had to improvise, by soldering direct to the brush holder itself. Keeping fingers crossed this time it works. I am on to page six and just under 3,000 words on my new story and have got the plot worked for for the whole story now. I have looked at sites that publish short storys like mine but have been put off as the money they pay is peanuts. Somebody mention nuts again?. I bought a coconut at Tescos yesterday and very nice it is too ha ha. No wonder Mrs B thinks I'm a nut case. 

    Its our 50th Wedding Aniversay today so Mrs B had two box's of flowers delivered today. I would like to have taken her out for dinner but she has declined as her diabetes in not level at present. Yesterday we spent most of the morning at the hospital regarding her hearing loss but dont seem to be much further advanced  than we were about a year ago. I did buy two Jack Ryan books for just a £1 while there. Read one allready.

    I have got editorial regarding our wood club into two local magazins and as a result have allready been asked if our club will be prepared to take part in an award winning local fair next year. Will have to put this to the membership and our committee for approval. 

    I hope to have one of our prospective new members come to visit my workshop one day next week He wants to try woodturning so will show him what I do and let him have a try at something simple. I have started a lot of people off this way over the years.

    Anyway, I hope you have an enjoyable weekend. Sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian

  • Hi Brian,

    Wishing you and Mrs B a very, very happy GoldenWedding Anniversary and hope you have a lovely day togetherand many more to come.  A shame that Mrs B's diabetic levels meant that you  could not get out as you wished but am sure the flowers were much loved. Were there more cheesy straws as a treat for you I wonder.  How frustrating for her too that the hearing loss problem remains unresolved. My Mum is hard of hearing though has always denied it but the staff and I know different even though we also know that she has selective hearing (always responds to the doctor when they call!!)

    Love the fact that you are enjoying fresh coconut (also a favourite of mine) and it seems that no matter what the nut is you are going to love it ha ha. Roll on the fresh chestnut season now can have my share as not a fan!!

    How wonderful that you can pass on your woodturning know how to new members and I am sure the happiness that this brings is mutual.Great news too that the woodclub has an offer to attend a good local event next year and hope it receives good support from the membership and committee when put before them.

    Following a very windy night pleased to say that all is well locally other than a few loose branches on the park floor. What little rain we had during the night has already been dried up by the wind and I must say walking back from the shops and gym was a little extra challenging ha ha.

    Enjoy your special day and the weekend ahead.  Jules






    All your hobbies certainly keeping you busy but think its wonderful that you can pass your woodturning know how onto new members


  • Morning Jules,

    Thanks for the kind wishes But alas no cheese straws:(

    Hope you have enjoyed the visit from your family and bet it will seem qiuet once they have left. Not the best of mornings here as raining heavily at the moments so dont know if you will go for your Sunday walk. Not the best of days either for my son to take our granddaughter to Uni. I hate driving on motorways when it rains for there always some idiot racer who insists on driving faster then anyone else and who covers everyone in spray as a result.  At least I dont have to mow the lawns ha ha. 

    Took Mrs B to a local farm shop yesterday and got two bags of small cox's apples plus some more cob nuts. She loves the smaller apples and cox's in particular. She also got some Bramley apples and had made an apples pie. Whe I used to do a three day show at a local wildlife place near here, they used to have a Hegdrow tent and there was a stand where the man used to sell apples, plums and honey ect. I alway used to buy several bags from him every year and used to buy some for the nieghbours too. The cox's apples were always freshly picked that morning and even had the dew on them .

    I added another 500 words to my story yesterday. Didnt have much time to spend on it but as soon as I have finnished this, I will be back into writing mode ha ha. 

    Take care and am sending kind thought your way, Brian

  • Hi Brian,

    Shame you missed out on a fresh  batch of cheese straws.  Here's too the next time:) Mrs B bakes.

    I have several packs of various varieties/colours of tulips due to be despatched in October so when the weather permits (maybe this afternoon) will begin digging the borders/beds over in preparation.  At least with the bit of rain we had yesterday the ground may be a bit more workable!

    Good to see the family and hear that both grandsons enjoy their new school and/or class teachers.  The youngest is now at full time school and loving school dinners!! Will see them next Saturday too so hopefully can get to the park with them weather permitting.  I am also going  up to my daughters on Friday as she is having a charity coffee morning so a busy week out and about.  Will make up for no Sunday stroll over the weekend.

    Have my gym programme review in an hour so will go for a walk in the  beautiful sunshine afterwards. Visit to Mum tomorrow and then back at work; the week does seem to be flying already!! 

    It must be the chilly mornings that made me think of cooking apples too as I bought some and will be having them stewed with my breakfast over the coming mornings. Love the tartness of a good Bramley.

    Have a pleasant week. Regards to  you both and the family.  Jules

  • Hi Jules, 

    Glad you enjoyed the family visit. Cant believe your grandson is now at school full time. They grow up so quick. Glad he likes the teacher as that makes a lot of differnce.

    Had our flue jabs on Saturday morning and were second people to go in as Mrs B always likes being early. Taken her to the vampires den for another blood test today. 

    I had a productive day on my story yesterday and wrote over 3,500 words and I think it's one of the best ones I have written yet. My son got back from taking Granddaughter to uni yesterday and says the house seems a little empty without her there. Cats are missing her allready. She has got quite a large room apparentely there and is settling in well . A girl she knows fron her archery club is also at the same Uni and has a room quite near her so she wont be lonely.

    Sorry you couldnt get out for your walk yesterday. It rained here until middle of the afternoon and then cleared up. I had a phone call from my sister in Canada last night and spoke to her for about an hour. She keeps me informed of what is happening over there. 

    Well had better run now as have several thing I want to do.

    i wish you a pleasant week, Brian


  • Hi Brian,

    This is my second attempt at a reply (my 'mouse function' froze so had to reboot!!

    Glad your grand-daughter is settled at university and it is nice to have someone you know right at the beginning.  My son also had a school classmate where he studied though they were in different halls of accomodation.  Nonetheless he soon made friends and had a good social life alongside his studies and part time job he took to help his budget.  I am sure she will enjoy the who experience.  Your son, daughter in law and younger son will in time get used to her new routine of visits if she comes home during the holidays (we saw my son at Christmas and Easter and popped down when it was his 21st and also when he moved to a house share for his 2/3 years.  All seems such a long time ago now!!

    You have done very well on getting your latest story moving along and no doubt pretty satisfied with the storyline.  I have just finished reading my latest thriller so will have to decide what to get into next.  In the meantime am doing as much in the garden as I can whilst the lovely weather continues.  Another gorgeous autumn morning here so will now spend some time outside before taking a walk.

    Had a lovely weekend catching up with my children and grandchildren and was lucky enough to have this chap drop onto the roof opposite just in time for breakfast (so my eldest two grandsons had a great view over their cereal.  I could not have planned that!!

    Hope Mrs B's blood test brings good results and that you both have a pleasant week.  Back to normal routine for me. Jules

    [[ ]]  

  • Good morning Jules.

    Glad you had a lovely weekend. Thats a great photo you posted and thanks for sharing it. 

    I had the prospective new member for our club who wants to do woodturning round yesterday morning. I think he has a natural tallent and got him to turm a meduim size cord pull which he was very pleased with. He is now going to join our club and is looking at the differnt types of wood lathes with a view to buying one. We often get them for sale in the club along with a lot of tools and timber

    I have finnished that story which ended up at 28 pages and am nearly finnished with the sequal to it. The first one was called The Quiet Man, and I am very pleased with the follow up about the same man. I am hopeing to finish it in the next couple of days. 

    Very bright and sunny here too so far at least allthough not that warm. Took Mrs B to a farm shop on Satyrday afternoon. They do some nice fruit and veg at good prices too. Am starting to look for my chestnuts but none about yet unfortunately and bought two bags of small cox's apples as Mrs B doesnt like the big ones

    Grass in the back garden is growing like wildfire. Only mowed it a few days ago and it needs doing again. The last batch of China Rose radish is the best I have grown yet this year, They grow to the size of a large carrott. All the others grew lots of leaves but didnt fill out at all. I have been told the soil was probably too rich.  

    I have written about a five minute script for a local charity I belong to as we disscused making a video some time ago  for the charity. The man who started it lost two wives to breast cancer leaving him to bring up two young girls all on his own. We also are due to have a committee meeting for our woodclub and want to bring up my idea of making a one hour video about our club. It would have an introduction about the forming of the club and the I prpose we highligt several members of the club and get some of them to demonstrate what they do. I can the use this at out shows and can also take it round to other local clubs in the area to publice our club.

    Well I had better press on. Sending kind thought your way, Brian