My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Jules, 

    Hope you enjoyed your weekend and that your renovations are soon finnished. Something to look forward to.

    Have had a busy day. First thing took Mrs B to sugery for another blood test. Then fired up my older back-up laptop and found there was a queue of updates waiting Have been working on this on and off all day and still only the first one going through. Have mowed the front and back lawns. the front was easy but the back one was so wet it made it very hard work. Have also boiled a load more chips ready for freezing. I spray then with oil then put them in a big freezer bag. They cook very nicely in the air fryer. Have also done my frozen chestnut in there and they were the best I have had yet. Also this evening will start work on a 40 page A4 folder as I am putting a load of wood club photos in there so we can take this to our shows to show people the variety of work that our members undertake. Plus did the hoovering for Mrs B.

    We do have a nice display of primroses in our back garden curtesy of our local birds. Plus our new fortsythia is coming into bloom. The lilac in the front garden is alsoin bud now and the leaves on the cherry tree are also just opening up. Spring must be nearly here. 

    Hope your visit to your mother goes well tommorrow. Also your visit to the gym.

    Take care, sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian.



  • Hi All .The day went well lots of poory people there ,the staff were just fantastic as always he gave me a good going over and said the lumps were not anything to worry about but right in the bowel he wants a Computed tomography done soon as possible.So will just have to wait and get nurse Ria to look after DAD.. He did say there was a small lump like a hernia on my belly ?.But time will tell he wants me to my GP over  some pain in my neck .,regards to all keep fit and warm  george .

  • Hi Brian,

    You have been a vey busy boy the last few days. I too managed several hours in the garden over the weekend and lawn is mowed/edged and borders weeded. I also moved one of my bird's feeding stations.  The daffs are still coming through and the front garden has a good show of the miniature vesions in bloom though with the workman's rubbish piling up around them!  Today or tomorrow should see this collected and it will look a lot better then.

    Bathroom just awaiting a couple of bits (shower dial replacement being picked up  today) and cupboard doors and then  they will be back to finish off.

    My daughter and grandsons were down for a few hours yesterday as they already broken up for Easter.  They were going to their old school at the end of day to see old friends and apparently there were lots of hugs going around.  I will see them all again Easter Monday all  being well when the all the family meet up for a pub lucnch followed by a walk.

    Mum once again slept through my visit but there appears to be little change and she is comfortable and still having her meals. I continue to enjoy the gym and will be back there on Friday once my two work days are done and dusted.

    Wishing you, Mrs B and the family a peaceful and pleasant week. Jules

  • Hi George

    Pleased to hear you were well looked after during your hospital visit and hopefully you will have not too long to wait for the appointment for the computed tomography and fingers crossed your GP can help with your neck pain.  I am sure Ann was pleased to have you back home and the lovely RIA too.  Take care and keep enjoying your strolls.  Jules

  • Hi Jules,

    Spent most of yesterday afternoon on the phone gathering information and have now spent most of the morning writing and re-writing a form for our wood club to do with THE DATA PROTECTION ACT. 

    Have now sent the form together with an explanatary text to our committee members for their approval/amemndment before sending it out to our members for their signature/s if approved.

    I know the act is well meant but it has meant a whole lot of work for me and I have still not finnished yet.

    As once i have got the signed forms back, I will have to file them and maybe chase those who have not replied.

    Also have a fourty page spiral folder with clear pages to put photos of our members work in. We will then take this to our exhibitions so try and make our club stand a bit more customer friendly. Have put white paper in each of the clear pages ready for when the clear photo corners arrive tommorrow. Will also print out some more colour photos, some in A4 size. There are five clear seperators included so may seperate it into turning, carving, pyrography, toys and misc sections. Will have to trim some of the photos to get good fits but have a cutter for doing this.

    I'm sorry your mum slept through your visit but at least she is still eating and is holding her own. Glad you have now got the extra bit for your renovations you needed and can see light at the end of the tunnel ha ha. 

    Sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian 


  • Hi,Jules,Had a shock today got a letter from nhs telling me they have made a  apointment for me to have a flexible sigmoidoscopy on sat 7th april at 3pm.I do not need this one at all and it is from endoscopy unit .So I have tried to cancet that one ,confused .com.regards george 

  • Hi Brianm

    There certainly has been a lot of admin work for you to do on behalf of the WoodClub but hopefully the end is in sight and once finalised you can rest easy that everything is up to date.  I have had no end of 'notifications' regarding the Data Protection Act and several alterations to make on a personal level to make sure all is well recorded/privacy protected etc.

    Mum sleeping through visits is preferable to her being anxious or in pain so in some ways a relief. The staff, doctor and I are all pretty amazed at her body's resilience though she is a shadow of her former self.  The pain patches are so much easier than her having to take oral medicine. She is now off all her other medications and appears to still enjoy her small meals especially breakfast.  The staff go in and chat regularly but she rarely chats back.  There is however one young carer she has taken a shine to and does answer her questions.  They even placed music in her room (tried the tv but she waved it away and has not shown any interest in her surroundings for a while now).  I will always be grateful for the support the residential care home gives despite ongoing staffing changes which is pretty common in this industry.

    Good news yesterday in that my bathroom is coming towards the end of its renovations and thankfully the issue with the 'technology' involved with the shower/bath was resolved by 7pm. Painter/workman in on Friday which should put the finishing touches to it (and get the door back on!!). The only thing outstanding is the delivery of the vanity unit doors which will be a quick fix once in stock.  In the end only a couple of days over the estimated 3 weeks planned.

    Very frosty here this morning and I have been watching a beautiful thrush trying to get something out of the ground to no avial.  Took pity on it and put out suet bites and some dried meal worms and it got tucking in before the starlings sussed!!

    Stay warm and regards to you both and the family.  Hope you get to see the grandchildren over the Easter break too.


  • Hi George,

    How annoying to have the wrong kind of appointment come through.  Good job you have your wits about you (you sound far from confused,com to me) and hopefully this will all  be sorted and the correct scan appointment will soon follow. 

    Wishing you, Ann and the family a pleasant Easter though the weather here is not looking too  bright. Will make the most of any gaps in the rain and have a family pub lunch on Easter Monday to look forward to.

    Stay warm my friend.  Jules

  • Hi.Jules. Spoke to Mr Baraza,s clinic lady and she said I do have to go through both test,s they need a full picture of just what is going on in my bowel,but i have no pain there but lots a pain in my upper spine,and that is down to Cervical Spondylosis or neck Arthriits as the case may be.But the last few days Anne,s left knee is a mess swollen and sore she can hardly wallk at all .And off her food I am doing her a fishermans pie she likes those  so I hope she will eat it .We are putting down to our age she is 82 I am nearly 85 come july .Well thats me for today .happy easter regards to all .george


  • Hi Jules - how is it going?

    I'm with you on the 'journey continues'.... 5 rounds of chemo done and, hopefully, one more to go, but one never knows!

    Sending smiles to you and all,
