Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Hazel, Yes very glad to see my sister doing much better, especially after the last 2 years of her been unfit and in and out of hospital quite a bit. I hope you are doing well?
Jules, I’m so sorry to hear about your mum, it can’t be easy seeing her going down hill and at that point of “End of life care” my friends mother is at that point and her mum is 98, she’s got dementia which has reached a point where she doesn’t know anything or anyone or how to speak (She Mumbles) it’s sad and now her mums heart is giving up so they don’t expect her to be around much longer. Goodnes we just hope life’s easy for us when we get to there age don’t we!
Brian, I see you are busy as usual (Which is always good) I hope you can recruit more people!
Hi Brian
Now I thought it might have been you pinching those chestnuts ha ha!! Plenty of wildlife in the park to enjoy I feast or two or perhaps the foragers were there before me. Glad you were able to fill your pockets en route back from Mrs B's appointment. Hope all went well for her and also for you when you saw the Diabetic Nurse on Thursday.
Good to hear that your Wood Club has another new member and hopefully your Saturday morning chat and recruitment opportunity went well. I am sure they were impressed by your dedication. I remember my hubby telling me all about his woodworking projects during his school years but it never became a hobby (this turned out to be amateur motor racing until the children came alone and it became too expensive for him to keep it up).
I do not think I could stop the visits to Mum even though much of the time she is unaware of my presence. This week I did at least get 'it's Tuesday then, is it' before she closed her eyes and 'switched off'. She won't let people hold her hand and pulls away but she knows her own mind and wemust respect her for that. As you rightly say it is not easy.
Today I have made the most of the mild weather and been out walking and did not even need a cardigan. I will post a couple of photos below and hope you and Mrs B have a pleasant weekend. Jules
Good morning Jules,
Have had a busy week. Had the dentist on Wednesday and it cost over £50 for two small fillings. Think I was in the wrong job allthough I wouldnt want to spend all day looking at people teeth ha ha. The diabetic nurse last evening, and the good news is the diabetic nurse said she wished she had more patients like me. She was so pleased with the results of my blood tests I dont have to go back for a year. I told her it must be something to do with all the nuts I eat ha ha.
On my very old laptop which wont work anymore, I had two hard drives for it. I had managed to transfer most things across to my newer laptops but couldnt get everything across. So I found what is called a hard drive caddie on Ebay for £3.94. You just put the hard drive into the caddie and then with a cable supplied you can transfer anything you want. So impressed, I have ordered another caddie for the second hard drive. So I have now got all the info transfered and if I want can now format the old hard drives and use them for extra storage. One of the main things I was missing on my new laptops were some of the stories I had written some time ago. I did produce three books of about 40 A5 pages as a triology and I now want to make them all into one book. Now that the colder days are here I have decided to re=start my book writting again. Have allready done six pages of a new story.
I spent last Saturday morning at a local library and had two people come to see me about joining our woodclub as a direct result of the poster the library printed out advertising our club. I now have six local magazines interested in editorial about our club which I hope they will feature early next year and have got our December show into about eight magazines in the whats on section.
My youngest grandson wants to know why they have named our latest storm after me. For once my son didnt have a reply which is totaly not like him.
How was your mother when you visited her? It must give you peace of mind she is so well cared for at her home. You hear so many cases of bad or non existant care at some of these homes so you must be commended for your choice. With storm Brian forcast, dont think you will get much walking done or work in the garden this weekend Jules. It sounds like an indoor weekend to me, not that I mind as I have plenty of chestnuts to eat ha.
Take care Jules, sending kind thoughts your way, Brian.
Hi Brian
Going to the dentist was always one of my 'dreads' but no longer need to (other than if plate plays up!!). Rate per hour must be really good as I bet it did not take long to have little fillings but needs must to avoid the dreaded toothache. Very pleased for you that you can now go a year before having the next diabetic check up. I am sure that weight loss you talked about will have helped the levels.
How clever of you to sort your hard drive storage out. All beyond me and I just transferred my stuff on to an SDcard and deleted a lot of rubbish before getting rid of the last computer. We had to arrange for hubby's old computer to be 'wiped' as there was a lot of work sensitive information on it but his boss did not want it back!
Nice to hear that you are writing again and I bet I know one lad who will be very pleased to read anything you produce. Did you ever get anything published as I know you had been talking of doing so albeit in an electronic format when interest had been shown?
I had a very mixed week. Started with a beautiful new walk on the Monday, visit to Mum on Tuesday though she slept through it. I cannot take credit for where she lives as this was her decision, along with her social worker. They took her to see a couple of homes as well as sheltered housing but as she could manage little for herself felt the sheltered housing would be wasted on her especially as she had no inclination to improve her wellbeing to use it. Unbelievably she will have been there for six years come th end of November. I am going to see her tomorrow morning as have my daughter and grandsons staying from pm tomorrow until late Tuesday afternoon when my son in law comes to pick them up. He will drop them off en route back from a weekend at Hayling Island (spent with his Mum and step dad at a holiday park). This is because my daughter has her yearly heart check up and I can keep an eye on the boys here whilst she goes as it is local to me.
I have this week as leave as on Friday I am away with the family to visit son in law's Dad so the grandkids will catch up with all the grandparents during their half term which will be nice for all concerned.
I spent a couple of days with friends Fri/Sat and Storm Brian luckily gave us a wide berth. A few raindrops Saturday morning plus a very short shower in the afternoon but we dodged them whilst out and about and my friend's husband even played 18 holes of golf on Friday. Not quite as much walking as I am used to as they are somewhat older than myself and less mobile these days but we had a lovely catch up. Will see my friend again early next month when she and I meet up with another mutual friend for a curry night out.
It is good that you have new interest in the Wood Club and great that the library were able to provide you with space and opportunity to bring it to peoples' attention. Hopefully next year will see 'new life' turning up as it would be a shame not to be able to pass on such good skills/interest. Have you been able to do any more turning yourself as the weather is still pretty mild for the time of year. My lawn is still growing and weather permitting will try and give it a mow on Wednesday which will be my only full free day this week.
Well, time to settle down to a bit of TV so will wish you and MrsB a pleasant and peaceful week.
Keep enjoying those chestnuts. I am still making the most of English strawberries!! Jules
Hi Jules,
Still trying to catch up after last week. I still have problems which is embarasiing. Lets suffice to say I have problems sitting all due to old problems with piles.
I have had a very nice letter from the person who asked me to give the long talk last Wednesday.. Appaerntly he has recieved very positive feedback from the audiance. I hadtwo people approach me at the end asking if I would give their own group a talk. I have just found out some information that was published the day after the talk. They are planning to plant 73,000,000 trees in the Amazon. Great news and just whar is needed. As I told everyone last week, If we keep hearing bad news all the time about the enviorment we can easily get depressed. But a dose of good news gives us hope and will also inspire people to do their bit.Sorry Jules, getting on my soapbox again.
I havent done any turning for a few weeks now. I am getting towards the end of my latest story and am now on page 26. Am also working on a bumper Christmas newsletter complete with some seasonal Jokes. Yes Our grass is still growing and have had to cut it again last week and it may well need another if the ground is not too wet. One of my good friends in the woodclub hasnt been well for sometime and am going to see him tommorrow He runs a raffle at our meetings and the tombola at our show and dont think he wiil be able to do it this year unfortunately.Hope he soon improves.
My latest batch of chestnuts are not only far cheaper but also a lot better and tasier The gasometer near us is now fully taken down and has altered the skyline quite considerably. Have got to book appiontments for my eye test (Glasses) and a visit to the vampires den for a blood test for my psa for my prostate cancer. We still have rose's blooming in the back garden..
My laptop did a several hour back up and allthough all my programs are still there, they seem to be hidden and I am having problems accessing some of them Grrrr
Hope you had a good weekend and also have a good visit tommorrow when you see your mum.
Take care and I wish you and you family well, Brian.
Hi Brian
A very uncomfortable/painful ailment to be having to cope with (been there, done that is all I would add) and hope it will not be too long before the issue can be sorted out for you. Hope you won't need the op as treatment but not being able to sit down takes its toll (my mate returned to her 'valued' rubber ring to alleviate the pressure as had the problem return several times following the birth of her children!).
Great news that you are being asked to do more talks and you are definitely spreading the word. The good news about the increase in tree planting is also to be welcomed. Where would we be without the continuing replacement as so many are lost to development around the world.
Have managed to mow the lawn yet again but it still seems to be growing so will continue to mow as and when I can. Not much rain this week so far so will maybe give it another trim on Friday unless the weather thwarts me! I like seeing it freshly mown and love the smell at this time of year. Still have roses and a new splash of colour from anenomes despite a frost the other day.
Visited Mum and she was aware I was there just as I was leaving so stopped a little longer before going to de-stress at the gym and get a bit of food shopping.
I did have a lovely weekend at my daughter's and enjoyed our trip to the Santa Pod Raceway for both the stunt car and bike displays as well as their firework frenzy in the early evening. Such a bargain at £15 per car (five in ours and six in our friends) and we were lucky to get seats together in the middle of the grandstand area (we got there in plenty of time and wrapped up well). Next visit will probably be for Christmas now.
Take care of yourself and keep enjoying those chestnuts. Regards to ~MrsB and the family too. Jules
Hi Young Lady .I went to our annual service of remembrance today met a few old pals but we are getting thinner on the ground and then on to our sons for dinner ,I did not drive family took and fetched us home but is was great for 7 of us to have a dinner today me being an old sqaddy .Regards to all god bless .george .
Hi George
So pleased you were able to catch up with some old pals for the Remembrance Service. 11.11 was always a special moment of rememberance for my Dad (Second World War Veteran disabled at 21 in Italy) and I do watch the Services on TV during Remembrance weekend. It was very often the only time I saw my Dad shed a tear for comrades lost. I bet you all enjoyed dinner too. As I do not drive I am always grateful if offered a lift though at my slightly younger age am still hopping on and off public transport (free for Londoners once over 60). Regards to you,Ann and your supportive family and also a pat for your Ria. Jules