Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Jules,
I have had a PM from Ian Woody and he has asked me to send you and Vatch his regards as he apparently has problems getting on the the forum recently. I have advise him to contact the moderaters to see if they can help.
After finishing Mrs B's bird table, she suggested I have a couple of lazy days so havent done much the last couple of days except to sort out my download folder on my laptop which took most of the day and still needs a little more tidying up to complete. Once complete I will probably download a lot more as I want to keep posting new pictures for you all. I very much appreciate everyones kind comments and also your additional input for you do take some very nice photos.
Am going back out into my workshop tody as I need to have another tidy up. It doesnt take long to make a mess ha ha. I have ordered a lot more bits and pieces to come including 300 clear and coloured led light bulbs which cost under £3 and all in a plastic box with eight compartments alond with free delivery. Dont know how they do it.
Cant do much more on my new lines until my rubber drive belts arrive which should be in the next few day. One they are here I can get my watermill finnished and my windmill moterized. Will see if I can video them and post on here if I can find out how to do it.
Hope you enjoy your walk this morning. Dont know if its the farmers market today.
Sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian..
Hi Brian,
How nice of Ian to forward his regards through yourself. Please send mine back when you're next in contact. Hopefully the moderators will be able to get him back on the forum as must be very frustrating for him.
I am not surprised that MrsB wanted you to 'slow down' as you have been having a hectic time recently and it does catch up with you eventually. You must have been sitting with your computer for some time with so many pictures to sort but I am glad you enjoy posting them as much as we enjoy looking at them.I often scroll back through the thread for 'another viewing' and the same goes for the amazing quotes. It is also nice for me to be able to offer a few of my own if I think they are worth a look!
Good luck with your garage/workshop tidy up. There is always a small downside to enjoying hobbies but no doubt you will be all cleared up sooner rather than later and will then be ready to mess it up again ha ha.
No Farmers' Market this weekend but have been out to the gym early as have my daughter and family coming to visit. Were due here mid morning but unfortanately are now stuck at a Kwik Fit as son in law's car had a puncture. Just as well I had not started cooking as not sure how long they may be and lunch might now be either late or turned into an evening meal. Such a nuisance for them all.
Spent most of yesterday in the garden as it was nice until late afternoon when we had a shower. Mowed and trimmed the lawn and cut back my shrubs and have done a bit of pruning too. Had the last of my bulbs to find space for so rearranged the area behind my mini rockery and the birds very happy with the number of worms/bugs that I unearthed.
Seem to still have some social coffee mornings coming up next week so will enjoy the company (and the cake!!) and have just had an invite to a Fund-raising coffee morning at my daughter in laws for end of the month. Sadly two of her best friends both have parents who are currently on the cancer journey and hopefully she will get a good turn out. She and her Mum make wonderful cakes so will be very tempted to be very naughty...............all in a good cause after all!
Hope all your bits and peices arrive and then you can have fun finishing your 'Mills'. Will definitely look forward to seeing the finished items. Hope the new bird table has pride of place and that the birds are as pleased as MrsB. Mine seems to be more of a perch for the nearby feeders and a shelter to feed under when it's raining. The robin seems to enjoy the bird bath even when its raining. Pictures attached but not great quality as taken through wet window!!
Have a pleasant Sunday and a peaceful week ahead and best wishes to all the family. Jules
Hi Jules,
Finnally some of my bits and pieces have arrived so have re-started on my water mill Havent got much more to do before I can wire the motor and the led light up so looking forward to this.
I dont know why but even before I made the new bird table we wernt getting as many featherd vistors as usual. The pidgens love the new table but MrsB wanted it for the smaller birds. Hope they get used to it soon. We have a big gasometer near us and they are at present taking it down as it hasnt been used for years.
Hope you are enjoying your visit from you sister in law. Take care sending kind thoughts your way, Brian.
Hi George,
Like you I love feeding the robins and other small feathered friends. Have just about got my garden ready for autumn/winter but will keep mowing the lawn as long as the weather allows.
Hope you and Anne have had a peaceful and pleasant weekend. Regards and hugs plus a pat for rascal Ria. Jules
Hi Brian,
Bet you have been beavering away on your 'mills' and can imagine the excitement mounting with the prospect of having them 'working'. Do please post a picture of the finished product.
It usually takes the birds a while to get used to a new feeding area but with the warmer weather and more 'bug' and natural food being available probably means they are not quite so desparate to feed in the garden. After two weeks of waiting I was finally rewarded with the goldfinches, sparrows and the robin now popping into the new 'guarded' hanging feeder but it is usually around 6.30 in the morning at the moment. I have been having problems with a large black and white cat who is hiding in the shrubs and pouncing and of course that has made the birds a little more wary. I do not get much activity on the actual bird table (more for show) as do not want the pidgeons either so do not often put food on it. I do have a couple of feeders plus a hanging basket hooked onto it though which does bring the birds closer to the house (just a couple of feet outside the patio doors so makes photography through the glass a possibility.
Spent quality time with my sister in law and am in the process of planning a week on the Isle of Man next year which will be my summer break. Will stay in the capital as they are still having continuing works on their place and do not fancy interrupting their endeavours ha ha. We can meet up a few times whilst I am there. Also had a lovely couple of days up with my daughter and family so been quite a social week. With work gearing up towards the seasonal end of the year there are busy times ahead and I am trying hard to motivate myself but would love to be in a position to fully retire..............relying on a lottery win is obviously wishful thinking.
Hope you and Mrs B are enjoying the spell of warm weather and bet those chestnuts are going down a treat. Take care and regards to all. Jules
Hi Jules,
Glad you had a good week with family.
Mrs B and I had our yearly flue jabs yesterday and on the way back, I popped into our Saturday market stall to stock up on my chestnuts. Have had a busy week with a committee meeting on Thursday evening. While I was talking about my club newsletters I mentioned I am going to have to update me office program as support for my old one (2007) is being stopped later this month. The club has been given some money from members who have passed away and the committee have told me they will very kindly pay for the new version as they all enjoy my newsletters so much.
I have come to a bit of a stop with my mills until I get some thiner wire which should be here on Monday. The solder terminals on the motor and switches are so small I need very thin wire to link them together. I will try and post a video of the mill working if I can figure it out how to do it. So I have had a bit of a lazy week although I have done quite a lot on my computor, researching the new office program. Also I have started work on next months wood club newsletter. In doing research for it, I came across the interesting fact that its estimated there are 422 trees for every living person on earth. I find this quite amazing. I alway do a wood quiz question each month and doubt many will get this one. I have also been to a fairly new local hardwood supplier which not a lot of our member know about so am doing a feature on it in the next months letter which I hope will help our members source some quality home grown hardwood.
I have also found two other people who are prepared to give a talk to our club in the near future plus have suggested we have another tool auction where member can bring in unwanted tools to sell in an auction at our club. Its good fun and raises some money for members and a small contribution goes to club funds.
Had a long talk to my youngest sister in Canada last weekend. It was good to catch up with family news. My oldest brother has just retired from the oil industry allthough he may go in as a consultant from time to time. Cant believe its now nearly two years since my father passed away. I do miss talking to him as we were so alike in so many ways. I just wish I had listened to my wife many years earlier when she wanted me to try and find him. That was when we first got married. I was stubborn,.saying he hadnt tried to find me when in fact i found out in later years my oldest brother had come to England for the company he worked for and had tried to find me without success. But Mrs B did perseveer and in the end we did find him and am so glad we did aswe got on so well.
Sorry about rambling on today
I am glad you managed to get your Sunday walk done in the dry. It doesnt seem that many weeks ago your were gearing up at work for the Christmas rush and here it is starting again. We were remonising the other day and Mrs B was talking about when she was young and how she loved reading Enid Blytons Famous Five Books. Didnt know what to get her for her birthday next month so have bough her a set of them as she likes reading..
Well I have rambled enoughnfor now. Take care and am sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian.