Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all, so it was a cold wet and windy start to the morning and I was going to look after my grandson for the day. I get in the car try and turn it on and nothing was happening which was very weird as I've only had the car since the beginning of the year brand new as well. So I called someone out and was told the engine has completely died on me and apparantly this happens a lot with cars. All I know how to do is drive no nothing about the internals.
So I phoned the company and they came out and looked etc and told me a new engine would need to be put in he priced it at about £7000 for the model I have so I'm just getting a new car. With that kind of money I could get my self a small Peugeot so that's what I'm doing. Will go hunting tomorrow they were happy to take the car off me thankfully couldn't be bother arguing with them over it.
So I ended up walking to her house instead with a heavy coat and an umbrella. Anyway hope you's all have a lovely day tomorrow -Take care Diane x
Hi Diane, sorry to hear about the car. As it was new when you got it did it not have a warranty of some sort? Anyway, good luck with your hunt today, I hope you find something you like. I used to have a small Peugeot and loved it Take care Sue x
Hi Daine,
Not a good start to your weekend. Like Sue has said with it being a new car there should have been at least a year's warranty with the onus on the company to replace like for like at no cost to you. This certainly happened when hubby's new car developed a serious fault (and whilst he waited for a replacement the company paid for a hire car so he did not even have to go through his insurance). Hope you get a replacement soon and enjoy the day with your grandson. Having just told Kim on another thread that I was sitting watching dull drizzle and breezy weathy, I now have a lovely sunny interval and very humid so will stay in my summer togs and pack a brolly when I go out to the gym (just waiting for the washing to finish so I can get it out on the line). Take care. Jules x
Hi Jules yes I could of gotten a warrenty on it but with me being an older driver I thought well it's new and could probably do me 6-7 years and by that time I would give up driving but didn't expect it to give out after a few months. But it's alright it works out better if I get a new one I'm going to Arnold Clark I'm sure you've heard of it. There's a few ranges about here so I'll look and I'm definitely getting warrenty etc this time. Take care -Diane x
Hi Diane
Hope you get what you want anyway and being a non driver afraid I have not heard of the company you mentioned but sounds wise to go with a good name and a warranty this time round. Beautiful here now; at last some warm sunshine so once I have had lunch and watched the Davis Cup I will spend some time in the garden.
I enjoyed the gym this morning and have just returned from the 'summer sales' with a few new bits for my holiday so planning a lazy afternoon with a book. Take care. Jules x
Hi Jules,
I am sorry it's taken me so long to respond. I went away from your news holding back the tears as I had missed Jo and had so hoped to email her again. Bless you Jo may you rest in peace. I stopped coming to cc for 2 reasons. I felt i wasn't helping anyone at that point, felt a little useless if you like and guilty because i was so well.!!!!! I was also told by my oncology nurse to stop thinking about cancer and get on with my life. So I did. I know I still have a cancer diagnosis for another 16 months , so i haven't forgotten, but I just get on with whatever life throws at me now. I gather you are now a grandmother 3 fold, lucky you. My grandaughter Ava is 3 in September and you do wonder where the time goes when you watch them grow. Daughter Charlotte is just expecting again and so ETA sometime in March.
Lovely to hear from you and will spend time slowly catching up with you all.
Annabel. x
Thank you Steph,
Most helpful.
Hi Brian,
So nice to see your reply and to know that you are still here posting amongst friends.
I am pleased to hear you still have that old condition Brianitus.
Lost my Dad last year ( in May) and after sorting out legalities, probate etc for my Mum looked after her through a hip replacement in December. Made sure she had physio before surgery as she was beginning to stumble and fall. (didn't want her breaking a hip.!!! LOL. )
Anyway she's brilliant now at 82 and has just come back from 2 weeks abroad and a week down at her sisters. Can't be bad. The rest of the family seem well thanks for asking Brian. How is your wife, and family? Time for me to catch up with folk.
Speak soon, take care.
Annabel. xx
Hi Annabel
Can really understand the reasons for breaking away from cc. I too have often felt I should not still be part of the forum as understandably I am no longer a carer and with over eighteen months having passed since hubby died I thought I would cope without daily contact. Then of course I found it hard to break from the buddies I had made both on and off forum (private e-mailing those where we had swapped details prior to pm taking a break). I still chat off forum to several people now but that it obviously more day to day social/family news. I am sorry that I had to be the one to cause you upset about Jo. Her partner (on the forum occasionally now as Caspercat) had let me know and following Jo's last wishes asked me to let people know so there is a tribute to her under the Inspiration section of the forum. I know many of us would have shed tears as those we virtually knew and miss. She was so supportive of me despite her own illness, just as you were.
Like Ava, Zack will be 3 in October, his elder brother 8 in November and Darcey is just 7 weeks. It is a blessing to have them all and see them flourishing, though a reminder of how time passes so quickly and of course so wish hubby could have seen the addition of a grand-daughter; hey ho. Charlotte must be thrilled to be adding to her family and hope your son is doing okay too. I suspect you are busy with the business too especially with the school holidays about to descend on us all. Fingers crossed the good weather which has arrived today (about time too) stays a while.
As you can tell I am still a chatterbox but life is, of necessity, rather different these days. Takes some getting used to and finding a new normal is being worked on constantly. Stay well and take care. Jules x
Me again,
Sorry have just read your reply to Brian and was sad to see that you had lost your Dad last year so not an easy time for you and the family. I certainly know all about the paperwork/legalities it involves. How amazing is your Mum. She is the same age as my Mum was when we lost Dad. My Mum turned 90 in May and still in care bless her. Having said that my Mum also managed several solo holidays after Dad passed away so she did well too. I still have not taken a solo holiday though have done a few one day trips. Jules x