Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Good morning Jules,
Treid to do a post yesterday to you and had nearly finnished it when my computer deleted it. Most other programs on my laptop I can press the re-do button and bring it all back but it wont work on this forum. So here goes again.
Our elderly neighbour had a fall at about ten thirty last night and her relatives had to come and pick her up. Went round to see her this morning and she wasnt up. Her relatives came as I was there and she has had to taken into hospital. Hope she recovers quickly.
So glad you enjoyed your grandsons school concert. Glad also your mum was feeling better. Hope you have had a pleasant weekend with your works do and also with your friends do. Mrs B has now finnished with the Christmas decs and it looks quite nice.
My youngest grandson is so very crafty. He told his dad there ia a parcel with his name on it under the tree and its really getting to him as he doesnt know whats in it. So on Saturday he tried to encorouge their young kitten to scratch the paper off so he could find out what his present is. Luckily his dad saw what was happening and put a stop to it.
I wrote another 1000 word short story yesterday and have now printed off a details of some place's where I may be able to sell them. I did as you suggested and put some batteries in Mrs B's stockings. Now everytime I press the tv remote control, she starts singing Christmas Carols ha ha. You will never get much sense out of me Jules.
Pleased you now have help at work, even if it is only for a short while. Must make things a bit easier for you. Sister in law came to see us on Saturday and allthough she says she is coping, I could tell she wasnt as good as she made out.
I wish you a good week and hope work is not too tiring. Sending hugs and kind thoughts your way, Brian.
Hi Sue
Hope your hospital appointment went well today and maybe you were able to get some advice on how to take your 'therapy' forward (possibly through NHS) as I am sure it must be frustrating for you still.
My works do went well and pub food was great and a couples of glasses of wine helped wash it down. Made a lovely change to be chatting generally without work matters cropping up once!! Not too late a night either so that was a help bearing in mind I was out yesterday too. 26 family and friends gathered to help my friends celebrate their 40th anniversary which began with champagne at their bungalow and was followed by pub lunch at their 'new local' (they moved during the summer and have also just celebrated having the garden newly landscaped - looks wonderful and wish it was mine (the garden not the bungalow!!)). We spent 3hrs there enjoying the atmosphere and I think they were quite overwhelmed at times. Was home by early evening which meant I had a chance to relax before work today.
As you would expect the shop was busy and I lost count of the number of books of stamps we sold (people did not want to queue in the post office!!). Also have a large books return to deal with over the coming couple of weeks so got that started. After work I popped round to a friends for a quick cuppa and catch up before heading home.
Love the sound of all your lights and though on my own have got all mine on and am enjoying the fruits of my labour!! Will look forward to kiddies faces when they see them on their Christmas visit. Have just cut the last of my roses to enjoy indoors (not bad for mid December!!!). Will buy fresh flowers for Christmas and also have an 'amarylis' under way (treated myself!) for some added colour eventually. This will make up for the rather grey and soggy outside.
Apart from work and a visit to get hair done later in the week am hoping for a more relaxed time this week though will drop in to see Mum tomorrow before heading to the gym (definitely need to work off the extra weekend eating ha ha).
Take care and hope you were able to relax over the weekend to regain some stamina for the working week ahead. Hugs. Jules x
Hi Jules, so glad all went well with the work do and also your friends party. Sounds like a lovely weekend all round with a little R&R thrown in for good measure.
It was a flying visit to the shoulder man this morning. Booked in 15 mins early and was taken straight away to another waiting area then was the first one he called in to see (I was back out at the car by the time my appointment time came around and as I was only there such a short time, I didn't even have to pay any parking charges!) I told him how good it all felt, other than the odd twinge, and his answer was that the steroids he'd injected during the procedure were still doing their job and masking any pain but once that wore off (anytime now) it would start to be sore again so to keep doing the exercises and it would improve slowly once more. The good thing is that as predicted he has now signed me off so my shoulder file is officially closed!
The next exciting episode is the cancer consultant on the 30th (I am already preparing my list of questions for him!) That's when I'll be asking about the NHS therapy and/or other available options to help resolve things, fingers crossed.
Hope the visit to your Mum goes well tomorrow
Take care Sue xx
Morning Brian
You have been keeping yourself very busy - all those nuts must give you boundless energy!!
Do hope there is better news about your elderly neighbour; it really shakes them up when they have a fall and I am sure her relatives and yourself and Mrs B have been a good support for her.
My weekend was very enjoyable, lovely food and company at both events. Work's do is generally staff only but at our best friend's anniversary meal hubby was much missed and fondly remembered and I felt the warmth of those around me. He would have approved!! Tomorrow, after all the celebrations, my friend's husband is due to undergo surgery on his ear for skin cancer so my thoughts are with them and hope all goes smoothly.
Off to visit Mum in an hour or so - would have been nice to get some sunshine for the walk but pretty grey and mild (still saving on the heating costs, a bonus!!) so suspect her mood may be matching the weather - am taking my camera down to show her latest pics just in case she is interested. It will give me something to talk about too. Before I set off I must fill up the bird feeders - again!! I think we will have the chubbiest feathered friends when the winter finally hits.
Take care and sending peaceful thoughts to you and Mrs B. Hope the family keeping well. Jules x
Good morning Jules,
Our neighbour returned home yesterday afternoon after being give a full mot. I have been to see her this morning and made her a cup of tea. She is still very shaken up and is very breathless as she has fluid on her lungs. Anyway, I managed to cheer her up. She has a lovely sense of humour; just as well with me for a neighbour. Have bought some more chestnuts this morning from Mr Tesco as they had them at a cheaper price, but will buy some more tommorow for most places only stock them until Christmas after when I will only be able to get the frozen ones.:cry:
Mrs B puts out some suet pellets each day and the magpies and pidgeons seem to chase off the little birds she puts them out for. Like you, we must have some of the fattest magpies in the south. Hope your mum shows interest in your photos and what you have been up to in the last few days. You certainly have had a busy week, both at work and socially. Your husband would be proud of you I feel sure
I have to take Mrs B for a check up in Brighton hospital again early tommorow. Then next week, I have to go to a local hospital, for when I had my eye test, the pressure in my right eye was a bit high. Then thats it for this year hopefully yeah.
I was surprised when I went shopping this morning; petrol was down to 99.9 pence, the first time I have paid under a pound for years. So I filled my tank right up. Money saved will buy me more nuts ha ha.
Take care Jules, I wish you a pleasant day and dont over do it in the gym later.Sending best wishes and kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian.
Hi Sue,
How great that your hospital appointment was finished before it should have started and that you have now been signed off. Hopefully when the steroids finally wear off you will not experience too much pain. Will keep everything crossed that you have a comfortable Christmas and that your appointment on the 30th takes things forward in the best way possible for your health and wellbeing. If I remember rightly you finish on Friday for a couple of weeks which hopefully will be beneficial.
What a shame that it is your nice neighbour who has gone away and not Mrs Yappy and dog!! Will you spend Christmas at your parents or do they come to you? I am still staggered at how quickly it is now creeping up on me but think it is because the weather is totally unseasonal and apparently due to stay mild throughout. On the plus side it is saving money on the heating bills ha ha. As the dusk falls I am enjoying the lit tree and fairy lights which is a nice atmosphere and hopefully the little ones will appreciate my efforts when they come round. Zack at just 2 still has that lovely look of wonder though suspect the elder grandson will pretty much just wonder what is in the fridge ha ha.
Some of our local shops have already got their Christmas stock reduced but at the moment think we are still holding out for Boxing Day (not that I go back to work until Bank Holiday Monday).
Right, off now to make a cuppa before preparing my evening meal. Take care. Jules x
Hi Brian
Good to hear that your neighbour was able to return home and it's lovely that she has you as a good neighbour. I live in a friendly road so we tend to keep our eyes open for our neighbours as well as having a neighbourhood watch scheme. A little kindness goes a long way.
Hope both Mrs B and your own hospital appointments go okay and that your eye pressure is better this time. My Mum has to have hers checked regularly because of the Diabetes and I also have regular checks because my Dad had problems with macular degeneration in later life. Will have my fingers crossed that all is well for you.
Sadly Mum was back in 'switched off'mode yesterday so though I showed her the pictures she had no interest and promptly closed her eyes. I stayed a while and then told her I would be in for my pre-Christmas visit next week. (She has never been a fan of the festive season even when I was a child - was always my Dad that decorated the tree/room - they were definitely chalk and cheese in the social stakes. Nonetheless I will take the family gifts/cards down and see what happens (last year she gave me them back a couple of weeks later so this year we have bought items that the home can make use off if this is what she decides again).
I am sure both Mrs B and yourself will understand your sister-in-law's emotions as you will have your own too. We just have to roll with them don't we?
Take care and sending peaceful thoughts. Jules x
Hi Jules, I am sure your two will thoroughly enjoy all your lights and decorations, as will your grandsons (ha ha), you're never too old to appreciate a bit of sparkle, that's what I keep telling myself anyway! Mine are all for myself for now but I usually have my parents over for at least one meal over the holidays so hopefully they'll enjoy them too. Not sure what their plans are as yet but I imagine we'll have Christmas Day to ourselves and then they usually have assorted groups of friends over for drinks and/or meals so no doubt I'll be popping in and out over various days (the good thing about only living a couple of miles away is that I can escape back home when I feel the need!) We have our work Christmas Jumper day on Friday so I have purchased a " suitable garment" for the occasion, complete with bobbles(!), then later it's our Christmas Party so I will just have time to rush home for a quick shower and change before heading out for the meal. I am working up to 5.30pm on Wednesday but will still get a nice break and I can't wait. I walked into town yesterday lunchtime and although it is only a short distance I was in tears with the pain by the time I got back to work, it's rediculous!
Have just had the dates through for the next Moving Forward course (having had to cancel the November one because of the shoulder thing) They are in Feb & March so I am looking forward to that with fingers crossed nothing else comes up in the meantime...
I agree about the mild weather not making things seem very festive. I had a couple of Christmases in Florida a while back and it didn't seem right at all to be on the beach in December so although I live on the coast here I don't think I'll be doing that this year!
I know this is going to be a very tough Christmas for you and the family as you make those lovely new memories to add to the cherished ones from past times and I will thinking of you all as you laugh, cry and make merry this year. Lots of hugs Sue xx
Hi Jules,
Just a quick post to say Mrs B has been disharged from the hospital they were so pleased with her, She was over the moon about it. She will still have to go there once a year for her heart problems but thats not so bad. I got some more chestnuts yesterday after we got back and the market stall holder was worried I was ill as I didnt get there last week. Not much of the season left to go.
My youngest grandson last night told me he is going to see Star Wars tonight; he is so excited about it. I did my story telling duty and then had a long chat with my granddaughter about writing. Her stories are fantasy fiction type and very very good but must admit not quite my cup of tea. She told me off about me not trying to get any of mine published so I told her, I now have several places in mind to try next year and have printed out the details information regarding these sites so at least I have made a start.
Sending kind thoughts and best wishes your way, Brian
Hi Brian, just had to butt in to congratulate Mrs.B for being signed off from the hospital, no wonder she (and you) were over the moon! Sue x