Kidney removal and struggling with the trauma of it all

Ive just had my kidney removed 8 days ago. My consultant is confident they've removed all the cancer and I'll be ok after I recover so why am I struggling with it all? I feel absolutely traumatised after ending up in HDU afterwards. I'm in pain, I'm struggling to cope, emotionally, mentally and I just don't see any happiness in my future anymore. Always worrying it'll come back or be somewhere else. I feel selfish as I know there's folk in a worse predicament but how do you get rid of the emotional distress?

  • Hi, it is not easy and you have to take a day at a time. I am not the same person that I was and never can be. I know how you feel but just celebrate the small wins when they happen.


  • Offline in reply to DavidJ

    Everyone keeps telling me i need to be easier on myself and I think I need to listen. 

    Thank you 

  • Offline in reply to Nik67

    Don't be hard on yourself the whole cancer nightmare is very hard to cope with for anyone.

  • Offline in reply to Nik67

    hi, try to step outside yourself for a moment, what would you say to this other person?

    you might say.."remember you are only 8  days from quite a major's normal to feel extra emotional, or anxious, frightened  etc, that can be a reaction to anaesthesia, even for minor are experiencing a shock to your whole system, mind and body.....but look ahead to something normal and about sitting on the beach with someone you love, or kids or just a much loved pet dog, feel the sun's warmth on your face, and hear the beautiful sounds of the waves washing over the will do that the meantime don't try to eat a meal in one mouthful.  Impossible and messy. People say take one day at a time. I usually cope much better with one hour at a time. Do what is needed or wanted in this one hour. Just live this one hour. Like stepping stones you will safely tread, untill you get where you are going.I  will pray for you.  Somebody please pray for me. xx

  • Wonderful words and my sentiments exactly. I have been on anxiety meds since I was diagnosed with cancer in was the most difficult period of my life and I never want to feel like that again. Now, I make sure I find joy in every day, I don't need 'stuff' I just want peace and contentment which I have found again. I'm not religious but will hold you in my thoughts and send you very best wishes. X

  • Offline in reply to mama54

    That was so lovely. Thank you. I will pray for you. God bless ️ ️