- Its twenty two minutes past midnight
I'm in bed ,
but i can not sleep
My mind is working overtime
My thoughts are very deep
My mind keeps racing
To this and then to that
So on here i come
To write this poem
For the cancer research chat.
Not sleeping,
It isn't good
To just drift off
To the land of nod
In bed at night
Oh how, i wish I could
But for me
I'm often ,wide awake
When most people
Are asleep
As I said,
my thoughts
Really do run deep.
I think of lots of things
That are in my life
I have ups
and some downs
But life in general
is good
So Ill wear a smile
And not a frown.
I've come so far
Been through a lot
But i know
I'm not the only one.
I'm so grateful
For every second
Every minute
Every hour, that I live.
So writing this poem
For cancer research chat
Is easy for me to do
I just hope
It resonates
with some of you .
Cancer ,changes you
It makes you appreciate
All the little things
That You didn't
appreciate before
It's one of the only things
About getting cancer
That I adore
As I think
its made me
a better person
Than I ever was before .
Now it's
twelve minutes past one
So I must stop writing
And conclude
This poem is now done.
Good night all .