Post surgery

Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had the tumours removed, I also had a breast reduction as I had large breasts and it was the best option for saving as much breast as possible.  I had half of my left breast removed then 4 weeks later, my lymph nodes removed. I opted for the reduction so that I didn't have a chunk of breast missing. I now have a huge anchor scar and scar where my nipple was,removed (this will be on my other side too) I am so grateful that my breasts could be saved and that I could have 'new breasts' but I'm really struggling at the moment with the loss of half my boob and the scarring! Am I being ridiculous? My boyfriend is very supportive and says it looks lovely but I'm not convinced as I have a size 40f and a D on the other side. I appreciate any advice x

  • Hi RachC24, 

    You are not at all being ridiculous and many other ladies who have been through something similar will relate to those feelings - it can be really difficult mentally to see your breasts in a very different way from what you were used to and it's normal for you to feel uncomfortable with the scarring or that it doesn't quite look the way you were expecting or hoping for it to be. 

    You have a lovely supportive boyfriend and that is so important when going through a major change after surgery. It sounds like what is bothering you the most is the fact that it feels like they are now different sizes which I hope isn't too uncomfortable for you and it might be worth - if you feel that things are not quite the way you would like them to be - getting in touch with your surgeon who did the reduction and seeing whether they might be able to make them more equal or if they have any useful suggestions for you. 

    Our cancer nurses might also be able to advise you further or point you in the right direction - feel free to get in touch with them on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    There may also be other members of our community who have faced similar issues after a breast reduction and I hope that they will be along shortly to share their experience with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator 

  • Thank you for your kind response, I am due to have the other side sorted in about 6 months but it's just for the moment. I am very grateful that I have been able to keep some of my breast and I think I just need to get used to it. It has just been a bit of a shock and happened so quickly. Thank you again