Hard to stop thinking it will come back

I was diagnosed in January this year with breast cancer, I had chemo then surgery and radiotherapy I got all clear end of July, I'm still getting preventative treatment but I think about it returning all the time, it's hard not to, and every wee issue I panic I was never like this before cancer I'm relatively positive person but it gets too much sometimes 

  • Hi Fitzy1234

    I was diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer 6 years ago. I am aware that there is a chance mine will return but I don't dwell on it. I felt I had been through enough and wanted to put it behind me and get on with my life. I don't tend to worry about things that may happen in the future as it doesn't achieve anything. I also feel secure that I know everything there is to know about my cancer and used 'Predict' to gauge how likely my cancer would return, a 1% chance was reassuring.

    I know it's difficult but do try and replace the negative thoughts that come into your head with positive ones,over time these negative thoughts should lesson,if not then it's time to see your GP.

    Take care x

  • Thanks so much for your kind words and sharing your  journey, i appreciate this, and so good to speak  to someone who understands.

     I am normally  very positive it's just the last few weeks I seem to think about it more. I  think once my treatment finishes I can then focus on going forward.  

    take care  X

  • Yes it's difficult to think much when in the thick of it. It does get easier once it's over. I made a list of things I wanted to do/achieve after treatment was finished, just little things, like visiting places I hadn't got round to doing, taking an art class, walking in the countryside etc. It just gave me a focus and a positive outlook. I was also adamant that cancer was not going to change me. I don't know if your team has started talking about the 'new you' yet but it doesn't have to be that way if you prefer the old you. x