We're "anonymous" so it just helps to ask a question. It will soon be the first anniversary of my diagnosis and I'm just feeling it, if you know what I mean. But why is it getting to me?
We're "anonymous" so it just helps to ask a question. It will soon be the first anniversary of my diagnosis and I'm just feeling it, if you know what I mean. But why is it getting to me?
I totally understand it's like living the trauma all over again....I personally feel like 2023 didn't happen ..how are you getting on ?
Thank you for understanding. Yes, it feels as if I lost a year. I'll be alright, I'll survive. It just helps to know you understand.
Anytime you need to talk ..
Hi Annie,it's me again . I've got my yearly mamagram again soon,it was soposed to have gone ahead on the 7th October ,but hospital sent out a letter saying due to unforseen circumstances it had to be changed to November the 1st few days before my 68th birthday, I was diognosed with breast cancer in 2020,but every year when it's time I do get a little anxious, but try not to stress to much. But again it's quite normal to feel a bit anxious, as waiting for the results is hard.