Feeling guilty for not doing more after treatment :(

Hi there - sorry if this goes on a bit but I think just typing it might help. I finished treatment for Stage 2 grade 2 breast cancer in March (surgery,Chemo then radio) and don’t get me wrong I feel so much better than a few months ago, (Chemo was the worst) but a lot of the time I’m still struggling. I feel really guilty as my family and friends have been/are amazing, my husband works really hard and is my rock always - But I know some people go back to work by now! Some days for me just getting up and having a shower , brushing my teeth clean clothes, cooking dinner  - thats all Ive achieved. I do have side effects from the surgery tbf (nerve pain/damage) and the Tamoxifen sweats are kicking my behind atm. Plus I have a problem with my leg (had an X-ray and was scared stiff as they thought I’d got bone cancer, luckily it was nt ) and a benign bone tumour in my left arm which hurts everyday bla, bla …….. oh! And Fibromyalgia. Again huge feeling of guilt as I know of people (who I was in hospital with ) who have not been so lucky and have now gone to Stage 4 or might not even be here now. I don’t know …… I’m really trying to make the most of things as you honestly don’t know what’s round the corner, but I’m scared every time I get a pain or feel unwell (especially after my last X-ray :/) that it’s back again and it feels like it’s taking over sometimes! Just wondering does it get easier? Im 46 but feel much older physically atm which is embarrassing. Anyway try and stay strong whoever’s reading this! and Thankyou for taking the time  -  apologies for the stupidly long post  x

  • Hi dont feel bad we all recover at our own pace, 10years ago i had 4 rounds of chemo for leukaemia and it was a good year before i returned to normal but i did go back to work before then. Last May I had a further diagnosis of leukaemia for the 2nd time and have had 3 rounds of chemo and a stem cell transplant in october. Nearly 11 months on and I am no where near where i was the first time. I can just about manage a trip to the shops, cant walk very far and still having naps in the day. No chance of returning to work yet. Take each day as it comes, I know easier said than done and I sometimes struggle with this but we are not in total control of how our body recovers

  • Offline in reply to jaxmur

    Hi jaxmur - Thankyou for the reply - hope you re doing ok today. So sorry to hear you ve gone through this again! Don’t get me wrong some days I do have more stamina and energy and I ve started to go back to the antique shop where I’m a vendor once a week (hopefully will go even more in the future!) which I love. It’s like yourself some days , I have to sleep and there’s only so much I can do before I feel all weak and pathetic again :/ You re so right! So many people have said that to me - take each day at a time, take it steady and don’t over do it - I just feel bad sometimes that I’m not doing more. Thankyou again, take care x

  • Hi. Just wanted to come on and say you are not alone. I am 44 and also has breast cancer. I've had xhemo, mastectomy, radiotherapy and am now on Anastrazole. I am back working part time and have a 3 year old and 7 year old. I am struggling to be happy. I feel like life is not the same anymore. I'm constantly worrying about any pain and feel like I'm just waiting to be given bad news. It is like the shine of life has gone and I feel so sad that I may never feel truly happy again. Sending you lots of love xxx

  • sorry you too are going through this, I wish there was a hug emote to give to you both. Chin up we will battle on and life will be good again. Yesterday I slipped and broke a toe, small matter in the scheme of things

  • Offline in reply to Harker1

    Hey Harker1 - Thankyou for taking the time to reply too, just wanted to say right back you! Know exactly what you mean. Really hope you re doing ok today? I get tired and all our kids are teenagers now or older, so you must be looking after a 3 and 7 year old bless you! Hopefully as time goes on it WILL get easier for us all, like jaxmur said in their reply, and it won’t be like this all the time and everything will look a bit brighter. I’m very lucky as today is a good day! I’ve still had to take my daily pain killers and meds , but have been Halloween shopping and out for a coffee with my mother in law and 2 eldest daughters - which would ve been almost impossible 6 months ago as I could barely leave the house. How long ago did you finish treatment? Sending love and light, take care x

  • Offline in reply to jaxmur

    Hey jaxmur - arr bless you! Sorry to hear about your toe (not what you need) very painful :/ really hope it heals soon for you. Hope you re doing ok today - take care x