Cervical cancer stage 1a1 - cancer has been removed but should I have a hysterectomy?

I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, thankfully it was caught early, stage 1a1. I have had two lezzt procedures and heard yesterday that they have managed to remove all the cancer. However, the doctor said that they did still find more precancerous cells and that a hysterectomy could be an option to remove the risk of reoccurrance. I'm 38, I have two kids, not planning anymore. Would you have the operation to remove the risk? Or wait to see when/if they turn cancerous and deal with it then? 

  • Hello P3GRU, 

    I am glad your cervical cancer was caught very early at Stage 1a1 and that after the 2 LLETZ procedures they managed to remove all the cancer. This must be a huge relief to you. It's a very difficult decision to have to make and one important factor is that even though you are still young, you are sure you are not planning to have any more children. I have edited the title of your thread slightly so that it can be spotted by others who have had to make this decision before on whether to have a hysterectomy and they will be able to tell you how they weighed the pros and cons and how they themselves made their minds up about whether to have the operation or not. Our website has detailed information on the hysterectomy 

    Do you know whether these pre-cancerous cells will be closely monitored if you decided not to have the hysterectomy? I hope that you will make the right decision for you and that you will hear from the experiences of others here who have had to make the same difficult decision before. Should you wish to talk things through with one of our cancer nurses, feel free to call them on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and they will do their best to advise you and answer any questions you may have. 

    Whatever you decide, it's great news that your cancer was caught early and that all this is behind you now.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you so much for your reply Lucie. My results are going to the MDT next week, I should know more after that. My consultant just mentioned that a hysterectomy may still be offered. So I thought I'd think about it while waiting on the MDT meeting taking place. I will ask what will happen to the precancerous cells if they are left just now. 

  • Only you can answer that question. Yes, 38 years old is so young to me but I well remember having hot flushes etc., when I was only 40 ish. Menopause!  It’s the journey we ladies are forced to take. We have a family of 3 so I wasn’t planning on starting again but nowadays so many young women are only getting around to having babies at your age. If you are satisfied that your family is complete then maybe you should consider having the hysterectomy.   It would certainly give you peace of mind.  Have you spoken with your husband/ partner, family members?   I was led to believe that cervical cancer is curable which is a big plus.  Pre cancerous cells may be the deciding factor. 
    stay calm and think positively. I recommend a note book to record your thoughts. 
    Record why you wouldn’t like to have a hysterectomy. 
    Think what would be good about having a hysterectomy. ( no more ghastly periods fir starters)

    Record all the things going through your mind. 
    Fears, Relief, Uncertainties and all the rest. 

    Once you’ve written everything, sit back and read your thoughts. You should be able to think clearer about the decision once you’ve read everything.  

    It’s vital that you stay completely positive. Be thankful that your surgery was a success and nothing sinister has shown up. You and your family have a lot of living to do and you are now fit and well and ready to take on the world. 
    May I wish you all the best. Rosemary. X