Anal /Cancer/stoma

Well I'd like to think I'm moving on 

On Thursday 22nd August I AM CANCER FREE

And what a feeling,when I started my journey I was unsure and afraid of what the future would hold,I never expected to have cancer and a surprise stoma(still getting my head around the stoma)It took a long time to realise it saved my life, without the Stoma I couldn't of had the treatment so I'm slowly not hating it as much.The chemo therapy was tough five and a half weeks ,5 days a week  but I survived,and met some great staff and other patients,(I've not kept in touch,I want to put it behind me)I never rang the bell although it meant the end of my treatment,but would gladly and proudly ring it now,anyone reading this ,stay positive, and never give up,and don't google to much!If I'd believed what it said about my stage(4)I'd think that's it....but no ...Dr Google was wrong this time.So stay focused,do what you have to do  and Good time for me to make friends with my Stoma

  • stay positive, and never give up,and don't google to much!

    - thank you.

  • Congratulations, that’s amazing, did you have any spread to the nodes? Also Can I ask what chemo you had that you only needed it for 5 1/2 weeks. I’m waiting to start preventative chemo but I just presumed it would be 6 months minimum. Thanks 

  • They said one node N1..I had only one dose chemo  then 5 and half weeks radiotherapy ,but had to take the chemo tablets whilst having radio therapy(I got weekends off)which was needed. I guess each person's treatment and dose is designed for them I'm just so grateful my doctor got it right for me,Unfortunately there are so many different cancers,and all are individual to that person,I dont know anything about preventative chemo,although my friend as just had breast cancer and she is having it for 7 days?but regardless if its 7 days or 6 months it is part of the journey that gets you to hopefully better health,I wish you all the luck and hope everything is successful for you

  • Thank you, I had a bowel tumour removed that was classed as a t3 and like you cancer found in only 1 node so they have said the oncology team will probably recommend a course of mop up chemo, so was just hoping it wouldn’t need to be for 2 long. Hope you stay well and cancer free 

  • Yes it sounds the same stage I couldnt have mine removed it was too low in my bowel ,so more rectal/anal and was pushing my bladder and vagina..hence getting my surprise stoma..Because the treatment was low down they said I probably wouldnt lose my hair, and I didn't....Got a great bikini line (got to look for a plus side of my journey)keep positive 

  • Hi Dolittle - how are you coping after it all?

    I’m 31 and was diagnosed T3 anal cancer in November last year, finished 6 weeks of brutal chemoradiation on 12th April and just found out it u fortunately wasn’t successful. I’m booked to go for surgery on Monday to have my entire anus removed so my colostomy will now be permanent, but I’ll also be having part of my vagina removed and reconstructed.

    I’m struggling to find motivation to get through it all and finding it impossible to picture a happy future (the treatment took away my chance of kids and I’m struggling to imagine someone wanting to date me and go travelling with me after all this) and I just need some hope from someone in a similar circumstance/age.



  • Hi,Ican relate to how your feeling,I guess I was fortunate, that they responded quick(letting me know Saturday to go to hospital on Monday for the Stoma(not reversable)I was in total shock about my diagnosis, I finished my chmoradiation in August last year and yes it was harsh but had to be done..Only my direct family know about my stoma,non of my friends,or other family members know.Not because I'm embarrassed, for me I thought the less people know,the more likely they'll treat me just the same.,And my friends have no idea

    Has for you meeting someone,the right person will come along,And if they are the right person they will love you for you,and accept you for you,and if they dont,they are not the right person.You mention children,there are lots of children out there,waiting to be loved by you on your own or with someone by your side.You are still alive and have a life to live,so please try and stay positive, stay strong,and do what has to be done.I hope all goes well with the next part of your treatment,If I could hug you I would,YOU CAN DO THIS....DO NOT GIVE have a full life to live,with alot of professional people helping you to succeed, You've Got This i believe in you