
Hello again and hope everyone is doing well. I had my mastectomy and immediate reconstruction 9 weeks ago and doing well. Had breast cancer in other breast 5 years ago with lumpectomy, radiotherapy and Anastrazole/Letrozole which gave me aches and joint pains. Have been taking exemestane for about 3 weeks now and feeling quite rough. Bad joint pains, tired all the time, headaches, reflux, indigestion and generally feeling off it. Has anyone else had these symptoms and does it get better? 

Will ring Macmillan nurse next week for a chat as it is having a significant effect on my day to day life.

Best wishes


  • Hi Mary,

    I hope that you find the same with Tamoxifen. I certainly had less joint pain with It. Don't forget to let us know how you find it. I'm sure that you'll both b relieved once your hubby's radiotherapy starts and I hope that it goes well for him.

    I am doing ok thank you - still got some legacies from treatment and getting slower and stiffer. Still, we moved down here in May and have been getting a lot more support down here, than we did from the NHS up north. Here's hoping that it eventually makes a difference.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine not picked up the prescription yet but hopefully will start tamoxifen next week. Will let you know hot it goes. Just want to get started with Peter’s radiotherapy now, we have had such a bad year both of us healthwise. Glad you are doing ok.

    Could I ask where up north you lived, obviously can’t name any hospitals/Trusts.

    All best wishes

    Mary xx

  • Hi Mary,

    It sounds as if it's been a pretty rotten year for both of you so far - let's hope that there's light on the horizon.

    I lived about 8 miles outside Glasgow and have moved to Salisbury.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx